Another New Years

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January 2nd 2005
Published: January 2nd 2005
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Island life, sweet!
Yes another year in a row on the beaches of Thailand. We spent new years roaming up and down the beach taking in the parties from bar to bar, finally stopping a relaxing ocean side pub where we sat on the beach and watched everyone set off fireworks and ring in the new year.
So far is has been super I mean really neato and would you believe walking down the streets of Koh Samui in the middle of no where we see a girl that went to U of R, which April had classes with and I knew the face. Strange, but small world for sure.
Now we are in the backpacker zone, changing our mind as the wind blows, I do beleive we are off to this famous place for sunsets tomorrow, then we will get the morning ferry to Koh Phangan, famous for the full moon party. After that it will be a trek another island about 7 kms away from there to hopefully get our scuba licenses, this is supposed to be an amazing place for seeing the deep blue things.

LAst night we went down town Lamai beach to see some sights that would interest many of the Men readers. They really cater to the superior gender (male), with their gyrating girls and skimpy outfits, it was a sight for sore eyes to say the least.
There has been quite am mix of culture here, from the party scene to the laid back. How is this for laid back, the first night we were here I mention we got smashed well the next day Jessica nor I could recall paying for this little night out, but we let the feeling pass as if all was well. Later the next day we walked by the bar we attended the even prior and got a friendly Hi from Jimmy the bar keep, with a smile and nod. It was not until the next day over Breakfast did Jimmy come up and add the bill from 2 days ago into our breakie tab, apparently we said we would square up the next day and went home the other night, only to forget, and for him to not be all over to pay right away the next morning made us really think, these people are trusting and pure. when I say these people I mean like Jimmy, not like the crooks who ripped Jessica off in Bangkok, that is a story for another day.... Happy New YEAR all, this is the year of the Ice, watch for big things. April and I are fine once again, rethinking the trip south and looking like we will start the rest of our tour up north and then work down after the threat of disease is gone. wish us luck.


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