Published: May 9th 2005
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So much has happened in the last week....WOW. SO last i chated i think we were just headin up to the jungle. Long BUs ride to get there but where we stayed in a little floating guest house right on the river KWAI .. beautiful!! We'd jump off and float down the river and hop onto these rafts lined up and walk back and do it again and again. The little THai boys were the best at it.. they would say "again?" and it went at it for hours until we were soo out of breath.

First mornin we went for an elephant ride. IT was unbelievable. They are such HUGE Massive creatures... but so gentle. I dropped my shoe off of the 20 foot high bungalo and my elephant.."BERMI" eheh picked it up for me😊 We sat on their neck ...bobbling around. We said TJ looked like MOGuLI.aha. Its was quiiiite cool. Except for the bum rash after.. ahh yahh their skin is soo rough.

We went to these waterfalls .. a couple actually. The Thais there treated us like royalty .. like we were famous. It was such a strange feeling. Jaim and Jan kissed these Thai boys on the cheek and everyone went NUTs !CLapping and screaming! It was hilarious.

AAANNNND we pet tigers!! ALl in the same day.. they were beautiful creatures. and soo tame. An area was blocked off and they let tourists in 1 at a time to pet them and take pics. As we were leaving one let at a HUUUGE roar ..o scary

WEL Internet is "SHut down now.." so illl chat later 😉


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