Andaman Sea Tour: Phi Phi Don & Phuket

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10th February 2007

Very cool place. Wouldn't mind getting over there someday to visit. Was Leonardo Dicaprio there to great you? Hopefully he was washed away by the tsunami also (along with Rosie O'Donnell and Oprah). Thanks for the commentary about cheap tourists Matt (agreed 100%) - Robyn and I just got back from Mexico last month and it's the same thing there, but for the most part it's the Canadians who are the ones we saw trying to save 50 cents on a $3 item. PS - thanks for not posting any pictures of Matt in a speedo.
11th February 2007

all tanned up
Those pics look fabulous and you haven't lost your Bermuda tan, that's for sure. My sister is also in Thailand right now, so looking at both of your pics/blogs is getting me very itchy for a hot holiday. Oh yah, and the weather here isn't helping things either. The temp in Saskatchewan for the past week has been on average -30 degrees Celsius which is making my skin look about as tanned as a Scotsman. Although the huge amount of snow is still fun and long as my neighbour keeps shovelling it for me.
12th February 2007

Wow, I can't beieve how Loh Dalam Bay has changed. When I was there in 1990 there was only small guest houses and the showers were all salt water. Thanks for the blog its been great following your journey.
16th February 2007

What a change!!
Matt, when you get home I'll show you my pictures of Kho Phi Phi and the 2 bays from 15 years and you'll see nothing but green. Boy oh boy has it changed!!

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