Koh Phi Phi

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November 2nd 2006
Published: November 5th 2006
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We arrived at Phi Phi and was swamped by people trying to get us to various hotels etc. Mega busy. We new we wanted to go to long beach so we avoided all the crap and jumped straight in a boat. We got to long beach and trawlwd up and down trying to find somewhere cheap to stay but struggled maybe long beach wasn't a great choice. Eventually we stopped at Long beach huts. More than we wanted to pay at 500baht a night. We went on the beach for a bit and the sand was fantastic and the water so warm apparently 30degrees. Next day we decided to go snorkelling hired some stuff and went for it. It was amazing neither of us done any before and it was the best. The fish are so vibrant wish we ahd an underwater camera. In the afternoon we decided to hire some flippers to go further we were in the water for about 3 hours and got to see some great things, a massive star fish that was bright purple and much larger fish, if you stop and listen you can hear the fish nibbling at the coral its mad. Eventually we surfaced to find we were further out than we expected and i began nto be abit worried but we made it back. We enjoyed it so much we bought a snorkel and goggles each to save hiring. tomorrow we have decided to move onto to Phuket to go to a gibbon rehab centre.


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