Thailand,Ko Pha ngan

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April 14th 2006
Published: April 14th 2006
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Hi peeps sorry its been a long time since the last post but these inernet cafes are pretty warm and its hard to drag myself of the beach.
As we said in the last post the heat is something that takes you by surprise when you get here in april.It was great to be back in bangkokand because we had already been there we felt we could explore a few things at a better pace,cos if you get caught up in all the tuk tuk scams you end up fryed pretty quick.So we dicided to take the taxi boat
to china town.Charlie was a bit nervous at first about going there at night because we had met some people that had told us it was no good and a bit scary.How wrong they were and how glad we were to ignore there advice.We stopped at a few streetfood pavement restraunts and sampled 2 or 3 when it comes to ordering your food at chinatown you have got to know some chinese or just point at what looks good and hope you have chosen wisely.we choose the second option and ended up with a fresh prawnnoodle type thing that was unreal.Then we headed to the duck stall as this is all they cook we had a massive bowl of duck broth with noodles that was also great.It was all made the better by the surroundings,a very bizzy market street with bright neon signs showing chinese adverts.The next day was a travel day to the islands pretty normal on the bus at 6 at night get to the island at 11 the next day.we were so glad to see ko pha ngan get bigger and bigger as we got closer and closer.When we got there it was raining real hard and we had to make a run for the taxi to keep our bags dry.
On the taxi we met a real nice couple from canada and we dicided to stay at the same beach.The next morning we took in our beach and just lazed about soaking up the sun and wached our first sunset back on the island.We were very glad to be back we could feel our bodies relaxing after the indian trip.the next day we moved to bottle beach and stayed there for about 5 days cos this beach is very very chilled,and the food at our guest house was great.(pad thai,thai green curry,cow pat guy,and much more.we also had a place right on the beach with a hammock that i made my new home mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.We are now on thong nia pan this is the beach that we stayed at last time we were here we have been here about 5 days now and its going to be very hard to drag ourselfs away as we have made a load of freinds here.along with a few mates from bury that we arranged to meet here.Last night was full moon party on had rin so we got a boat round there at about 9ish then headed to a freinds house high up above had rin so we had a great view over the whole party.We made it down to the party at around 2 in the mornig we sat on the beach drank wiskey and saw the sun come up.there was about 15,20 thousand people at this party and i must say it was one of the best partys i had ever been a few days we are going to ko toa to get opur padi diving course ,looking foward to that .but tonight we have to say goodbye to our new friends from canada.So i while post more often when we move on but to tell the truth we have been pretty lazy...............take care peeps lots of love charlie and jim...........


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