Full Moon

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April 21st 2008
Published: April 21st 2008
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Hi Guys
I'm very hung over and still covered in glow paint after last night's full moon party. So far this week I've been trekking to see gorgeous waterfalls and have riden a baby elephant! Also got knocked out at a pool party. Eek!
Off to mainland Thailand tomorrow so I can head to Malaysia. Going solo!
Deleted all my thailand pics by mistake so am pretty upset about that :o(
Toodle pip

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21st April 2008

OMG! jealous
wow roo! that all sounds like so much fun! how did u lose all ur photos? did ur drunken self decide u didnt want them anymore?? lol A baby elephant would have been amazing to ride on, how big was it?? I cant wait to see u in syd! xoxoxox
22nd April 2008

hey petal!
hey you sound like you're having fun! not a tinsy winsy bit envious at all stuck reading this at work in good ol' blighty! the daughter of a woman i work with is currently in Sydney. she went just after we came back from germany and worked her way over. she did a bungy jump in NZ i think and didnt tell her mum. her mum found out through facebk which was quite funny! she's just sent her a postcard of her which has a pic of her about to do it! i dunno if i could but it would be cool if i had the guts! well keep enjoying and take care! cat xx

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