Ko Lanta life

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March 22nd 2008
Published: March 22nd 2008
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We left Bangkok after some few days there.
Getting in contact with a swedish guy and an english talker.
The english talker was sitting at our neighbor table in a restaurant.
The reason why he talked was probably to impress the girl sitting with him.
Talk talk talk.
Talk talk talk.
Talk talker talkest.

Yeah, ballaballaboi.
I don't have a clue of what to talk about.
But I am a talkest myself, and my mouth doesn't stop rambling.
Poor Dennis.
His ears are probably damaged.

From Bangkok we went by air to Krabi. The duration was one hour. And we got no food.
Me like airplane food.
Keeps me busy with something, and I stop rambling for a very short while.

Krabi: We went to the night market. Or I did.
Been there before, and it was weird to be back.
But fun of course.
The food stalls are lined up, and it smells delicious.
I ate a mango.

From Krabi we went to Ko Lanta by boat, after one night at a hotel room.
I hardly ever sleep in a hotel. But Dennis prefers hotels or guest houses in stead of hostels and dormatories.
So he's the man, and I should follow his wishes.
I'm sooo the boss.

The boat ride took two hours and a half, and the sun was burning.
I thought: Hey! I should get a tan!
So Dennis and I sat outside almost the whole trip.
Oooh. Nice wind. A lot of people getting a tan as well. A lot of swedish people.
And I felt like a spy.
Norwegian Lindis in korean clothes.
Everybody says: Where you from? Japan? You look Japan!
I always answer: Denmark.
Of course.

Yeah, ballaballaboi.
Let's get to the point, shall we?
So the boat trip went fine and dandy, but later it started to burn in our skins.
So it felt like.
Dennis took off his t shirt and he seemed to have a white-skin-t-shirt.
The rest of him?
And when he took off his boots, he seemed to have white-skin-socks.
But the worst part was his head. He was super burnt and started to lose his hair after some days.
He was very concerned, poor man.
And today, several days later his skin is peeling off.
But it's not skin.
It's shells.
He looks like a turtle.
He looks like a football.
You know the pentagons on the football.
Poor man.

Me? I'm just burnt a little bit.

So what about the life on Ko Lanta?
We stay inside aaaaall day to protect our skins.
It's almost everything we do.
At night we dare to go outside and walk on the beach or drink or full moon party.
We've become like a very very afraid and nervous couple.
And that's it!

What a nice vacation, huh?

By the way.
We're back at Atcha hut!
Where I stayed 11 days 7 years ago.
And it's so different.
There are several new buildings.
But June is stilll there! My thai friend from back in the days.
And she's got a son with her husband.
He is super cute!
Atcha hut rules, man.
Especially our messy bungalow.
Why is it messy, you'd ask.
Because it contains one piece of Lindis Solvang.

Messy messier messiest.

The nature is like the island in LOST. And there are many activities like elephant trekking, jungle tours, scuba diving, and such nice things.
But as I mentioned we stay inside.

The people here are mostly muslims.
Everyday burka women cook our meals.
No hair in our meals.

The people here are very friendly.
They're very much into tattoos and smoking.
But as I mentioned we saty inside.
*Very afraid of everything*

Oki doki.
This message is now over.

But before I end:
Dennis got stung by a jelly fish today.
No more swimming for us.
*Stay inside*
*Very afraid*

From Lindis, the afraid one.


23rd March 2008

yes, koh lanta very dangerous...the snakes eat children here! watchout
23rd March 2008

God Påske
Hei Lindis har akkuratt kommet hjem fra noen dager i sweeden men hva er vel det når jeg leser om dine herlige oppleveser. Høres ut som du nyter livet Lykkwe til vidre ..eller hqr du egentlig kommet hjem eller ??
7th February 2009

hello,i just googled ko lanta and atcha hut and june and see and i found your travel blog,im friends with june and see too i have lived in atcha hut with them for 6 months in 2004 and i have stayed in their house in bangkok,can you tell me how they are?i saw a picture of their beautiful son,are the rest of the gang there too? like chet and his son tong mai,or bya ,sorry bout all the questions,would just like to know how they all are,im in ireland now and hope to see them soon,

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