Beasts of the Jungle (Part Two)

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November 5th 2006
Published: November 6th 2006
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Having decided not to do the second jungle walk we had planned on, we had a day of rest and reading, finishing off the last of the chocolate Corb had got me for my birthday (a room with a fridge, what luck!). On a previous night we had discovered a super tasty restaurant, which by luck, happened to be the cheapest in town. Heading back there night after night we managed to work our way through all of her curries and a few of the other dishes on offer as well. Mmmmm delicous!

Feeling safe, the leeches firmly stuck in the jungle and not at our guesthouse we were wandering along to bed when Corb noticed something crawling across the path in front of us. Looking up us from the shadows was a scorpion, claws out and ready to pounce. I quickly danced my jandal-clad feet past him to safety while Corb got a better look. He was a mean looking fellow, and not too small either - at least 10cm from tip to tail. All I could think of was it was lucky he had chosen this night to visit us, and not our first night (the night of the storm) when the power was out and we wandered the paths in darkness.



30th November 2006

info request
Hey could you tell someone who's quite impressed with your story the name of the place you stayed and the restaurant - please
1st December 2006

Khao Sok Accomodation
Hi, The place we stayed was called the Morning Mist Resort and our room was 650THB for a double with nice as Western Bathroom and hot shower. Though it did only have a fan, but that was mostly ok as the other places we checked out were 800THB+ for comparable niceness. I can't remember the name of the restaurant as it was a long Thai name I couldn't pronounce. It is on the opposite side of the road to Morning Mist (left hand as you head in towards the park entry), just before the bridge. It was a kind of roofed over balcony with lots of pictures of tours/activities they could sell you on the walls. It had maybe one or two bungalows attached also I think. Very tasty and best prices we found! Hope this helps :)

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