Jungle trekking in Chiang Mai

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November 12th 2007
Published: November 12th 2007
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We went up to Chang Mai to go jungle trekking for two days. Set off in a mini truck with twelve off us crammed in the back. Quite a cool group of people from all over the world, not all of whom could speak English. Polly was group translator for the Spanish.

The trek started with a 3 hour hike up a steep mountain in the heat of the day. They didn't mention when we booked it that it was ALL uphill! We stayed overnight with hill tribes, who live miles away from any civilisation. Sat round the camp fire with a crazy thai guy, his guitar and some sticks for entertainment! We met a couple of nice girls from Oz and NZ who we might meet up with when we're over that side of the world.

The next day was a bit more evenful than just walking. Breakfast consisted of deep fried worms. Polly didnt dare to try them but Flick did, just tasted of puffs of air and oil. Again the day started off with a steep downhill hike, stopping off at a huge waterfall on the way. Flick was quite amusing when going for a dip in the waterfall; her knackered leg muscles that wouldn't stop shaking caused her to fall flat on her face in the water.

After a lunch of noodles (yet again!) we went elephant riding. Typically we got the crazy elephant who wouldn't behave and just wanted to eat everything on the way. We then went white water rafting and bamboo rafting which were both great fun.

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