Out and about in Chiang Mai

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November 5th 2014
Published: July 16th 2017
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Geo: 18.8, 98.98

I walk to Wararot market for our breakfast at 06:30 leaving Jai to rustle up some hot water for a coffee at reception.
First thing this morning I go out for a walk retracing old steps. Cross the night bazaar road and discover a new Chinese temple which was still under construction last time we were here. I walk across the old metal bridge over the PIng to where the Tourist office was located in a beautiful old wooden building. Unfortunately it has been pulled down and is being replaced by yet another concrete guest house. All along the river road people have reserved their spots for selling stuff tonight. I return into town across Narawat Bridge and find the new, concrete again, tourist office. I pick up a few magazine for something to read in the room and a timetable of Loy Kratong events for the next few days. A big wheel has been erected in the grounds of a temple opposite; the Chiang Mai Eye perhaps ? Most people have joined in the spirit by decorating their doorways, a contest in its own right over the week. There seems to be a campaign afoot to ban fireworks this year but I cant see that having much success.
Loy Kratong is held at the time of the full moon in the 12th lunar month, November, and there are many reasons given for the festival. The most likely to me is that it is a thankyou for the rainy season that is just finishing. The lanterns are to hope for a brighter future. Needless to say, they dont need much of an excuse to dress up, have a parade and a party.
Back to the room for a while lunchtime but cant stay indoors for long so we walk up to Tha Phae Gate where most of the ceremonies are focused. It is decorated with lanterns and inflatibles but looks a little subdued compared to previous years.
Having forgotten to bring a battery charger I have to stop and buy some more batteries. We pass a small medical clinic on Tha Phae Road that is offering joint replacements. Perhaps I dont need to go back to UK next year - or perhaps I do !
We cut back through Wat Loy Kroh where they still have the happy monk figures that always make me laugh.
As we stop to buy lunch the rain starts. A light rain like this would be great for the garden at Khamnadie but we could do with a dry week whilst we are here.
After lunch I walk to the internet shop that I use when in town and it is still drizzling when I walk back to the room at 14:00.
Down to reception for some boiling water then its cake o'clock time in the room. Some traditions need to be maintained.
Even though it is still raining I cant stay in the room for too long so head back out. Walk through the old bar complex where many of the bars have changed their names, and probably their owners, since we were last here. I wander around the old alleys that I used to know so well when we were here full time. Returning to the main moat road I spot Dave sat at a barstool on his own so stop briefly to say hello. They have been up Doi Inthanon this morning but had heavy rain all of the time and no views due to the low clouds. I leave him there but about 10mins later the rain starts to get heavy so I stop for shelter and a small beer at Saloon Bar and watch a bit of rugby.
We go out tonight about 17:30 and walk through light rain to Tha Phae Gate where the Loy Kratong opening ceremony is due to kick off at 18:30. There are not many people here yet and all of the 'posh' seats are still empty. I guess that the seats may remain that way with the VIPs wishing to avoid a soaking. We walk alongside the moat to B&B Bar where people are putting their floats together along the road in preparation for the procession later. The bar is packed but mainly with parade entrants sheltering from the rain. Eat a large plateful of food as Ben always thinks I need feeding up. IT is raining quite heavily when the procession gets underway and you have to feel sorry for these people who have worked so hard to assemble their lanterns etc and now have to watch them breakingup in the wet. There is a good turn out of people watching in spite of the weather so that offers them all some encouragement. We stand under the roof at the front of the bar watching everyone pass by nipping out every now and then to take a photo.
Walk back to Kong Court about 22:00 trying to share one small umbrella.

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