Chang Mai

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Asia » Thailand » North-West Thailand » Chiang Mai
May 8th 2005
Published: June 1st 2005
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We arrived in chang mai after a terrible journey sure its the first of many to come! It was overnight 9 hrs on a bus full of smelly tourists ( been taking the local buses, and are much more comfy). arrived at 7 in the morning to a a smiling thai lady, oh i could have shot her, we were trying to wake up and trying to work out if it was a scam or something, anyway we finally got a guesthouse like a prison cell but took it because we needed to sleep. The boy who run it was about 15 and stoned all the time. We arrranged a trek which was brilliant really enjoyed it met some fab people and had a funny guide called mr goo with half his teeth missing he looked like somthing out of texas chainsaw massacre, when we rafted down the river it was straight out of deliverance. Stayed in the hill tribe villages with no electricity. in bamboo houses. They make everyhting from bamboo and even eat it. We then returned to our prison cell to find we had been upgraded, what a treat.

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