sun day 93

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Asia » Thailand » North-West Thailand » Chiang Mai
May 1st 2015
Published: May 1st 2015
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I decided to let myself have a lay in this morning in preparation for a long days travelling. Getting a tuk tuk to the bus station ( a lovely older man driving it who wasn't pushy and gave me a good price - so I tipped him and ended up paying double.) Sitting next to a 5yr old girl for a 5 and a half hour journey north to Chiang Mai was possibly the best person I could have sitting next to me. Doesn't take up much room and for some of the journey used my arm as a pillow, which was very sweet. Arriving at 5pm I jumped on the back of a songthaew and got taken to my hostel. I was greeted by a lovely Thai lady with a huge smile and fluent in English. Chatting wth some girls in the dorm room - Jenna, annalene and Amy we decided to head out for some dinner together. Being a Sunday there was a huge night market in full throw - so walking through and after buying some shorts and something to eat we headed back to relax for the rest of the evening.


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