Sex tourism and a night train

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Asia » Thailand » North-West Thailand » Chiang Mai
August 15th 2006
Published: August 15th 2006
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We're in Chiang Mai now, right up in the north. We arrived this morning on the night train from Bangkok. It took 14 hours! But we had beds so it was alright and you got used to the motion of the train. Dave stayed in bed this morning much longer than me and Joe, cos he had a semi and found it hard to lose what with all the motion of the train.

After Bangkok we headed to Pattaya, the biggest sex tourist resort in the world because the tickets for the night train to Chiang Mai were sold out (Queens birthday = national holiday) So we got on a bus that took forever and crammed people in and would wait if the touts hadn't got enough people on. Bit of a nightmare! When we got there we had to choose a hotel, Joe chose the 'Honey Lodge Hotel'. When we got there we soon realised there were no beehives and that it was a different sort of honey altogether! The rooms were all double beds (to cater for the sex toursits) So me and Dave shared while Joe had his own room. It was pretty dire! Very gloomy and full of middle aged men with young thai girls. Its saving grace was that it had a pool.

We were right near all the nightlife of Pattaya, which consisted mainly of go-go bars. Now we like a bit of sleaze, but this place was too much for us! Too in your face (and we've been to Amsterdam) It was comical at first to see all these fat old men (35% english 30% German and 20% arabs 15% others) but after a while it got tiring. Unsurprisingly we all got screamed at when we would walk by, which didn't happen to the old geezers. To get away from it (and to get cheaper beer) we went to a bar on the seafront next to a bus station and took over the bar with our happy drunkeness! We went there 2 nights running and got our own drinks, commandeered the toilet paydesk and the stereo.

I've been encouraged to drop the diarrhoerra scores because girls might see this. Joe insists that he does not poo.

Photos coming soon, Daves Blog is here now!


15th August 2006

Louis you lyer
Louis stop making up fabrications of me having a semi. Stop using me as a scape goat you sneeds 2 waking me up at 8.30 in the morning on that train was not cool!!!!

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