Swissden Road Trip Day 3

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December 2nd 2008
Published: December 14th 2008
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Today our goal is to get to a town called Khun Yuam so we can see the waterfalls and another hot spring. Along the way we stop off at a number of small waterfalls. We seem to be driving forever again, praying it is the the right direction. We found a hot spring and it looked like one could swim there. So we all jump out and make our way to the spring. Unfortunately, the spring was there but we couldn't swim as it is to hot. They did have these small rooms with swimming pools you could hire and they fill it with cold water and hot water from a spring. This was not what we had in mind, four of us in a small room sitting in water!
One place we we wanted to see was a village with a tribe of Long Neck people, people with loads of rings around their necks to make their neck longer. We arrived at the village all keen to see these people, then we got to the entrance of the village and were told by some guy to each pay 300 baht to see these people! 300 baht? Sorry, are we at a zoo? So team Swissden had a meeting and decided we were not going to pay this to see a bunch of people with long necks! To this day we are not sure if the Long Neck tribe were in cages or let free to roam the village! So we walked around outside the village for a while when all f a sudden, 3 elephants with guys on them walked through the village. The elephants looked like they were used to work. So quick as a flash, we decided to get in the jeep and go to the bottom of the road where there was a river over the road and we could get some nice photos there. 30 minutes later, the elephants arrive with the guys on their backs. So we snap away at these amazing animals while they eat whatever leaves they find. Next the guys on the elephants jump off and tell us to touch the elephants and play with them. Alex jumps on one and the elephants walk a bit with Alex on them. This was pretty cool since we never expected these guys to stop and let us play with them in the middle of nowhere. Also, there was no catch, like now you owe us 200 baht for the ride and 100 baht for the photos. After we were done playing and taking photos, the guys jumped back on the elephants and said good by and rode off. This was pretty cool!
So we head off again. After a while we get to Khun Yuam, hungry and tired. So we see what appeared to be a decent restaurant and guest house. So we pull in and have lunch. This was going to be one of those lunches when you wish you had Mc Donalds. This lady who served us and ran the place was nuts. We order drinks then she says, coke, no have! So while I decide what to order next she runs off and comes back with a coke! The food ordering was pretty much the same, she was clueless! We finally get our food then we ask to see the rooms. After a bit of negotiation, we decide to stay there. We then head off to another hot spring close by. The lady said you can swim at this spring so we pack our costumes and head off.
We arrive to this place, 4 or so man made pools with steam coming out of them. So we jump out and go see where we can swim. Clearly not in these pools as this was the source of the hot springs. We ask a local guy where we can swim and he directs us to the river, where a stream from the hot spring joined. No way were we swimming here, the pool was clear but the bottom was mud and was in thick grass and weeds. We had seen a snake that had tried to cross the hot water spring and did not get very far, more like boiled snake. So we skipped that idea. Heading back to the jeep we decide on getting a drink when it hit us, what to do at this hot spring? You could buy a straw bag with 4 eggs and then you go to hot spring and boil them. This was going to be fun! Well, over rated to be honest, but something you don't get to do every day, boil eggs in a hot spring. 10 minutes later, I pull the eggs out the water and crack one to eat, not ready yet, so back in they go. 20 minutes later, I could tell by the look on team Swissdens face that this was not as fun watching as it is to be the one cooking them so I took them out and hoped they were cooked. The eggs ended up staying in the jeep until we gave the jeep back!
That night was Yatzee and dinner then bed.


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