Ahem... sorry... again

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April 27th 2007
Published: April 27th 2007
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All went a bit nuts again. Suddenly realised we'd sat on our arses far too long in Byron Bay and had hardly any time left to get ourselves up to Port Douglas. Made friends with the overnight Greyhound bus which is perfect for saving time and also for saving on a night's accomodation (which is a lot of saving considering we still can't seem to shake off that fancy hotel thing..) Did a stop in Noosa (very civilised), a 2 day Fraser Island trip (brilliant sand island, loved swimming in the lakes, driving on the beach, sitting on Indian Head), a couple of days on a sail boat called the Ragamuffin in the Whitsundays and a couple of snorkelling trips to the outer reef and Low Isles. Finished up walking like we'd been permanently starched, wanting to learn to sail and still a bit gobsmacked by how cool the reef was. Didn't see Nemo, sorry Abi Bear, but saw lots of his friends. Managed not to get killed or maimed by any crocs or sharks (but saw both) and very much loved wearing the sexy stinger suits that stop you getting killed by jellyfish because it makes them think you're dead already (picture it.... beautiful island.. palm trees.. white sand.. turquoise sea... and people in snorkels and bright blue skin tight smurf suits.. like a scene from a sci fi movie).

Flew to Alice Springs - godforsaken place of heat, flies and red sand and went and saw that big rock thing. It is indeed a big rock. And very very red. And it did make me feel really rather humbled. Loved the Kings Canyon rim walk and the Olgas, got a sense of the outback and learnt stuff about the Aboriginals so all in all worth the countless hours on a sweaty bus. Escaped Oz without being killed, maimed or even nibbled by anything other than mosquitos (even though Jaggers - now know as Indiana Jones - slept in a swag in the outback).

And so to Singapore. A delayed flight from Perth, a ropey hostel and then a call from Patts to say that she'd booked us in for a night at Raffles as a surprise. Nutter. Thank you Patsy! Officially the most beautiful hotel I have every been in with the most impeccable service. Took flashpacking to a whole new level. Got quite sociable in Sinapore and met up with a couple of friends of Harn's and got taken for a local lunch and whistle-stop tour of the city by I.T. and Andrea, friends from PF.

Had a few days in crazy Bangkok attempting to acclimatise to the heat - stayed on Khaosan Road - the best people watching ever. Very much enjoyed sitting in a pool of my own sweat, drinking Singha that is warm by the second mouthful and watching the sights of Khaosan road meander by - no really, that's not sarcasm, it really is something. Did some bartering, went to the floating market, had a Thai massage (still not convinced my spine should crack like that but it felt brilliant) and had an evening in Patpong (but declined the ping pong show)

Came up to Chang Mai on an overnight sleeper train and have booked up the next few days with a boxing match, a Thai cookery course, a trek into the hill tribes (inc elephants and bamboo rafts) and a thai boxing lesson. Absolutely bloody loving it!! Which is not to say I don't miss home.. just not enough to come back yet.. Hope y'all healthy and happy. Until the next random update...


27th April 2007

Excuse me Harn, the name of the game is table tennis. tut tut.
14th May 2007


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