Chiang Mai Aye!

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January 12th 2007
Published: January 12th 2007
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We arrived in Chiang Mai after a truly agonizing 12 hr. bus trip, which adds to a cumulative 24hrs. of travel via bus in the past 3 days... No fun.

As expected, we're coming to our wit's end's at certain points... Yesterday, while attempting to find a spot on the many cramped buses at a public station, Dad blew up at me for leaving to use the bathroom and not letting anyone know. "Christopher, you do that ONE MORE TIME and we're leaving Thailand!!!" Alright Dad, I didn't realize that in Thailand 20 years old means 12... Hey, I'm a kid again!

So here I am, by myself (thank god) and I sit here at this local internet cafe trying to find something in this city to satisfy my mind and spirit. I should have read a bit more about Chiang Mai before travelling here, as I expected a beautiful city with lush trees-- a real peaceful, tranquil place. What I found this morning was a mini-Bangkok... with extra cooking classes. But I do admit that I haven't really given it a chance yet.

This isn't really an update on my adventure here as one has yet to happen. I guess I decided to post this in an attempt to answer a personal question I've been asking myself at particular points of this trip. Particular points, for example: When dad did this, when Dan did that, when I did that which I wanted to do and Dan and Dad shot back...

The question: Will I attempt long-distance travel with my father again? Don't get me wrong, this has been an amazing experience, but I find myself fearful of spending my well-saved Baht because it seems that every time I have, I've received a family argument or a 'Chris did WHAT?' along with my paper receipt.

And sub-consciencly, I think it's made me spend even more money... But my friends should be thankful as I've bought them some pretty cool stuff.

The thing is that Dad and I view travel verrrry differently. He said, on a cheap, dangerous Tut-Tut ride to the station, "Chris, when I travelled as a kid I came back with more than I left with..." See, that doesn't sound fun to me. What's more, I WANT to give to the people of this nation. I want to export the American dollar, no matter how few or how many, when I can because the average Thai could use it allot more than I could. In LA, dinner costs about $20... In Thailand, that could help some people out far beyond a semi-full stomach.

I don't mean to sound selfless... I like spending money for my needs as well. I want to get a massage, I want to eat well, and I want to stay at places that have hot water and a private shower. Yet it is I, when I ask for these things (and offer to pay for them myself), that end up with the title of 'princess'...

As much as Dad has annoyed me I know I have annoyed him, if not more. I don't mean to do this either. That wasn't my intention when I said that I didn't want to share a twin size space on a bed with my showerless brother. That wasn't my intention when I asked for air-conditioning as to avoid mosquitos. That won't be my intention the next time dad goes about things his way and I go about them mine.

I hope we can travel again together, but not like this. As if anyone was reading this in an attempt to get a better understanding of Chang Mai, I'm sorry for wasting your time. 😉


15th January 2007

Dearest Nephew, Sometimes you learn the darndest things when you travel, and you don't even know the lesson you've learned until many months after your return. Hang in there and take it a minute at a time. The good things will seem 1000 times better when you return, and the bad won't be as bad (kinda like birthin' a baby) and will even add to the adventure stories. I promise. You have the rest of your life to travel in different ways, and with many other people. I love you and am truly envious. Mosquitos, bus rides, and all. Auntie Jackie

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