Chiang Mai, Chiang Rai, Myanmar and Laos

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January 7th 2007
Published: January 7th 2007
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Lopburi MonkeyLopburi MonkeyLopburi Monkey

One of the many Lopburi monkys eating the orange we gave him
Hi Guys,

We made it to Chiang Mai safe and sound! Yesterday we went to Doi Suthep and a few other temples around the city. We also went to the night market and bought quite a few gifts for people.

Then it was off to the spa (again!) It was really good but we preferred the one in Bangkok and the one in Bangkok was much cheaper! But still, it was good.

We finished off our night with a cruise along the Ping River.

Today we got up really early and went to Chiang Rai. From there we went to the Golden Triangle which is where Thailand, Myanmar and Laos meet. It was quite stunning. We did a bit of sightseeing at the Myanmar border.

In traditional Sarah travel style, she's sick! No, it's not her stomach this time, she has a bad sinus infection. Luckily, the thai woman from our tour took her to a pharmacy so she has some prescription medicine now. Hopefully it'll kick in soon.

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Ping RiverPing River
Ping River

Sarah and Vince on the Ping River

A beautiful hilltribe baby

8th January 2007

Typical Saaah-raaah
Man. Seems like everyone has a sinus infection no matter what part of the world one's in. I have one too!!!! Looks like the travelling is going well. Glad to hear it. Things are good with me. Christmas was good. I cut off all my hair though. it doesn't even touch my shoulders anymore. all gone. 2007 is a year for change it seems. So stop with the sickness and Thai it up like mad!!!! hugs!!!

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