Where's the Wat?

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Asia » Thailand » North-West Thailand » Chiang Mai
October 17th 2006
Published: November 16th 2006
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As I haven’t got a trip booked for today I walk into town again with the aim of finding the temple that I couldn’t photograph yesterday. I spend ages wandering around trying to find it and keep stopping to sit down and have a look at my map. I don’t mind walking around though as I get to have a good look around the place. One time when I stop a Thai man wanders over and asks me if I need help, I ask him where the temple is and he gives me directions - walk to the gate and turn left and it’s there (remember that for later). He then asks me where I’m from, how long I’m there for etc. I set off again, turn left where he said…but no temple. I think I spend about another hour wandering up and down the same road trying to find it. I decide that I’m going to give up as I’m so hot, sweaty and dusty and I’ll come back maybe on Thursday after the cooking course and get a tuk-tuk to take me. As I’m walking back though I pass a tourist information centre so I go and ask in there. She tells me that it’s down to the traffic lights and turn left. So…..from my hotel on the map I’ve been using it says up the street from Wat Phra Sing, turn left and its on the left. Then the man that chatted to me said that it was on the right at the top of the street from Wat Phra Sing. Actually from Wat Phra Sing it’s ½ way up the street (so I’ve gone a bout 4 times too far), turn right and it’s on the right! Oh well, I found it eventually and get to take my photos! I’m still getting excited when I see a monk too and I’m desperate to take some photographs, but they’re not supposed to have contact with women. I suppose I’ll calm down as you see them wandering everywhere. I’m a bit blasé about Wats now as they are about every 4th building on every street! End up getting back to the hotel quite late and worry that I don’t remember seeing any street lights. I’ve got my mobile with me so I’ll use that as a torch if I need to!


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