Blogs from Central Thailand, Thailand, Asia - page 925


Asia » Thailand » Central Thailand » Bangkok June 28th 2004

Dear All, This weekend I moved out of one of the best hostels I’ve ever stayed in, and into my apartment. I’m living in a very Thai area, which I was really excited about - good for learning the language, should be more enriching than just hanging around other expats - but during my adventure in the supermarket, I fast realized that there are some disadvantages to staying in a Thai area - the only cheese they had was either New Zealand Mainland Tasty and these Kraft cheeses like the Laughing Cow (which I shamefully admit to buying and eating and feeling ill afterwards), tons and tons of condensed milk and powder milk but only these tiny bottles of real milk (which is still much sweeter than our milk), and no yoghurt with fruit, just flavoured ... read more
My apartment
My 'kitchen'
The market street near me

Asia » Thailand » Central Thailand » Bangkok June 27th 2004

So we all managed to wake up at a reasonable hour and booked a 3 hour session with Lay to do some snorkelling. It was an amazing feeling seeing some corel and swimming with the fishes.  It's like you're their big brother and they jsut tag along with you for the ride.  Lay was pretty cool, we befriended him and he toke us cliff diving.  I was still hungover and the choppy water near the cliff made me want to hurl.  Ent and Bazooka Joe (Griff's new nickname in Thailand) climbed up the cliff with Lay and jumped off.  Ent of course wanted to climb higher and ended up buggering up his ear drum. Rest of the day has been recovery from the night before - I have no idea how I managed to snorkel with a hangover.  The experience is overwhelming how awesome it is to ... read more

Asia » Thailand » Central Thailand » Bangkok June 26th 2004

We stayed at Krabi or a place near it for 2 days.  It was a nice whine down but we ended up heading into town and just got super wasted at this local bar.  We met the DJ and dranked with her, she was pretty cool and probably the funkiest girl i have met so far.  After boozing it pretty hard, we toke it to another level and bought a bottle of brandy, ahh..well make that two bottles.  We didn't know you can buy a bottle and bring it into the club which was a bad idea when we found out we could.  We went from being drunk to being super wasted pretty quick.  So SQL Dan pretty much buys off this one cab driver and gave him 500 baut so he stuck to us like ... read more

Asia » Thailand » Central Thailand » Bangkok June 20th 2004

So I woke up and you guys still haven't checked in.  I thought I take another swag at finding the Phuket hospital.  One thing for sure, you learn alot to have patience over here, you can't exactly multi-task. Zenning mode:  I am the first victim of blogging on the NET and having it dissapear, I think this usually happens when I use dial up, so if this is a repeat entry, ignore it. It toke me 2 hours to find a callign card, and then another hour to find an international phone.  These bad boys do not have one lick of ventilation because I was in the booth for 15 minutes talking to the international operator and was just soaked in sweat.  Felt like a steamed pork dumpling - and I think I started to mumble ... read more

Asia » Thailand » Central Thailand » Bangkok June 19th 2004

well hello everybody - greeting from the land of England Football supporters - and that's just the Thais. Without fail every Thai man we have met knows all about Euro 2004 and loves english football. We got the seat with extra leg room on the flight out, sitting opposite Rachel from Dublin who was our air hostess (or whatever they are now) and across the aisle from a family of four vegetarians from Ireland. We checked into our hotel (36 stories right next to Patpong) and enjoyed the comfiest bed I have ever slept in - although it has one massive giants pillow and one normal pillow - when you sat up against the giant's pillow it pushed the bed away from the wall, and it was so large that you couldn't sleep with it under ... read more

Asia » Thailand » Central Thailand » Bangkok June 17th 2004

I've been in Bangkok for a week now, and have been having a fabulous time. I met up with a friend, Sophie, straightaway, and we've been eating our way through Bangkok. The food is amazing. We don't know what half the stuff is, but that just makes it all the more fun. We eat at street stalls - $1 a meal, the difference between here and home is extreme - though we did make the mistake one night of going to an Italian restaurant and it was gross. The street vendors seem to understand me when I say in Thai that I'm vegetarian - last night, the woman got me a broth from somewhere else, who knows where, because the broth she was using was meat-based - and there's often a friendly English speaker around who'll ... read more
Thai street food
Traditional Thai house

Asia » Thailand » Central Thailand » Bangkok June 17th 2004

Good choice Griff, I am in the middle of nowhere.  This pretty much is the old part of Phuket and there is no travellors in site.  I walked around for about 3 hours and saw one foreigner, this is pretty much as boonie ville as you can get.  It's strange walking around because in a way I should blend in with my black hair but the ppl here are 5 shades darker then me.  That and probably wasn't the best idea to walk around with my Lonely planet book.  It was like carrying a big ass yellow page that had an  arrow pointing at me saying tourist over here, pls rip me off. Word of advice:  ALWAYS ask how much things are first before taking it, whether it be service or food.  Because when you don't, ... read more

Asia » Thailand » Central Thailand » Bangkok June 17th 2004

I am going to miss this city but I have been summon by the Ent and Mr Hockey to Phuket.  I didn't do awhole lot last night, these past 5 days has been full days of activities which can quite stressful on the body.  So I got another thai massage and made sure I didn't pass out in the chair this time.  I didn't get a chance to meet Frank and Melissa so I ended up hanging around the market and doing some last minute shopping before heading out. Nothing too exciting except I couldn't find my guesthouse last night.  I didn't get home till 1AM and they close everything down so everything looks completely different. I had to knock on ppls door to help me and finally this one lady who owned another guest house ... read more

Asia » Thailand » Central Thailand » Bangkok June 17th 2004

Ent you better had a pretty good haircut to make me blow a day in Phuket town. There is nothing to do here except walk to the town square which is pretty much the size of Brentwood mall. Anyways, I am leaving the Talang Guesthouse tmr and will be heading to Patong tommorrow where the beach and night life is. I have to admit there is no travellors around in site but there are alot of young local kids, this is pretty much as local as you can get. I am going to look for trouble, hopefully I will meet up with an aussie so we can practice Black Hawk Down on the walkie talkie again. I am trying to find a pub or bar to go to, but everything is closed. Baggins out... read more

Asia » Thailand » Central Thailand » Bangkok June 16th 2004

Hi all... thought Id lay a blog on y'all.  We're currently in Bangkok right now, the plan was to be in Phuket by now but like you all  know time seems to slow down quite a bit when you are with a member of the Ent species... joking aside we've needed a little while to recover from our journey.  A weekend of partying combined with a flight can be pretty rough... I know I only got one half decent night of sleep and James was going on 5 hours before our flight.  That first flight was absolutely brutal... 13 cramped hours highlighted by the shittiest movie in existence Cody Banks 2.  It wasnt all bad for James as he was spared the annoyance of sitting next to me and my story regarding 2 weeks ago when our hockey ... read more

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