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October 26th 2006
Published: October 26th 2006
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So I thought the plane would feel like more of a big deal, after having avoided them for the past 8.5 months. But it was just like any other journey. Though I would recommended Qatar Airlines as the movie selection was great, the food plentiful and they even gave us earplugs, socks and an eye mask - sweet.

Seeing the sunset as we flew over the Gulf was pretty sad, kinda felt like the trip was ending in a way. I guess we dreamed a dream, then lived it, and although it was awesome, it has to come to and end and that will be hard to let go of. 8.5 months of travel over in one flight, crazy.

Arriving in Bangkok was like deja vu. Everything looked the same and even smelt the same. We went back to the same hostel, got water at the same 7/11 and ate on the same street - even the little old lady that cooked us breakfast was still in the same spot. Add that to the slight jet lag and the mega exhaustion from all the travel and everything takes on a kind of wonky perspective. It almost feels like the whole trip was a dream, very odd.

Since being back we've done all the usuals: gorged oursleves on thai food, lapped up the fruit shakes and delicious pineapple, wandered the markets and ridden the river taxis and skytrain along to Siam Square to check out the malls. Still not sure what we're up to next though we're looking at some beach time and then heading North.

Watch this space....


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