Back in the big city

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Asia » Thailand » Central Thailand » Bangkok
March 4th 2005
Published: May 20th 2005
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Back in Bangkok after another overnight train journey we decided to hit the town. After a day of shopping for 'necessities' and having our hair done at the local Toni & Guy (we knew there would be no chance to afford this kind of treatment once we were in Japan) we took the advice of Conde Nast Traveller Magazine and decided to head up to a new bar in the tallest building and say farewell to the city.

The place we arrived at was not exactly what we had in mind….more like a deserted Las Vegas back street bar, eighty’s style. However, it did have a great view, and prices to match. We thought we should make the most of it so moved to the front where we could get the full effects of the covers band. Our stomach muscles got a great workout.


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