Sauna anyone?

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September 6th 2006
Published: September 6th 2006
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Well we've arrived in Bangkok!

The flight was okay, we wouldn't recommend the scrambled egg for breakfast though (possibly the only time that neither of us have finished our food!). And after a minor scare with the luggage we left the sanctity of the air conditioned airport into the sauna that is Bangkok!
After sitting in traffic jams for the best part of 2 hours we completed our 25km journey to the hotel and vowed never to set foot on a bus again whilst we are here. Thanks to some excellent map work by Jill we found the hotel (see Dad, all those years of orienteering did pay off!). The hotel is luxurious and the swimming pool was a welcome sight for sore eyes and hot bodies.
We then ventured out onto Khao San road for dinner and beer!

Today, after what was the best buffet breakfast in the world (I can have rice for breakfast - Jonny) we did the sightseeing tour which included Wat Pho (beautiful, tranquil temple which contained a 46m long 15m high statue of a reclining Buddha) and Wat Arun (a temple dedicated to the Indian God of Dawn). We experienced the river ferries as well!

On return to the hotel we took a dip to cool down (it would be rude not to!) just as the heavens opened! It was a bit strange swimming in an outside pool in a thunder storm as the water comes from both directions!!!

We then went for a massage (not the ladyboy type!), which was very relaxing and enjoyable (apart from the twisting and pulling in places that shouldn't be twisted or pulled - Jonny), now feeling rejuvinated we have just had some very tasty food from a street vendor - we have now realised that it is important to ask for MEDIUM spicy food as the Thai's seem to have a totally different way of defining spicy (or possibly just no taste buds left!).

Until next time..........


6th September 2006

That sounds so great. This travel log thingy is great. Missing u xxx

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