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January 14th 2013
Published: January 14th 2013
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We got up, packed and checked out of our hotel, hanging around in the lobby for a bit, using the computers in the lobby and having some lunch in the restaurant. We headed to Central with our luggage to the IFC mall where we were meeting Lisa and Hillard for a bit. We had a mooch round the mall for a bit and then headed to Zentro to wait for Lisa and H. They ended up getting stuck behind some water buffalo after looking at a house on Lantau Island, so were a bit and we only ended up with time for a quick drink before we had to get the Airport Express line to the airport, which cost $50, but was a nice train and quick. We got to the airport and realised our Ethiopian Air flight was bound for Africa, via Bangkok. Wow, check in was interesting! Never seen so much luggage in identical bags. It seemed we were 2 of only a handful who were going to be getting off in Bangkok. We were sat very close to the front of the plane, which was good, it wasn't very busy. Felt like a bit of a dodgy flight but we finally touched down in Bangkok! We started filling in a temporary visa form, but were told we didn't need one and to just go straight to immigration. Our bags took ages to come off and then we headed to get a taxi. It was hot, even though it was 1am! We got to our hotel and checked in, a lovely apartment with little kitchen. Was a nice room. Very tired and hot, thankfully the air con was very good!


We decided to have a relaxed day today to get all our washing done. We headed to the 7/11 which was just next to the hotel, and bought some snacks, drinks and toiletries. It was nice and cheap here, especially after HK. We had a look at the rooftop pool, which was not bad- decent size and nice and cool. In the evening, we headed out to Siam using the skytrain. It was a 10 minute walk from the hotel our nearest stop, which was Surasak. We had a look around Siam and some of the shops and market stalls, where I managed to funky my fake Raybans for a much better price than HK! We the found a lovely restaurant to have some Thai dinner. It was very tasty. We then found a coldstone creamery and had some yummy ice cream. We then took the skytrain back towards the hotel, it cost 25 Baht each way, which is 50p- not bad!


Today we headed to Chatuchak weekend market. We took the skytrain there, changing lines and going all the way to Mo Chit. We got a yummy fanta freeze (from McDonald's drink and ice cream only stall!) with ice cream on top (though their fanta is strawberry not orange!) We headed towards the market, walking through the street stalls before getting into the market. Found some real smelling, fake perfume, very cheap!! We headed into the market- it was huge, my guide book said there are over 9000 stalls there. We walked around for a bit looking at everything in offer, then had some amazing spiral potatoes, which were made by skewering a potato on a device and spiralling it so it all spread out, they were then deep fried and had flavouring sprinkled on! They were so good!! We also had some lovely coconut ice cream in a coconut shell. We found our way into the main maze of stalls, picking up a couple of bargains, you could get anything and everything here! We got a bit lost and then found our way outside and had some delicious BBQ pork skewer and looked around some more stalls. There was a huge rainstorm, it chucked it down for about 20 minutes. we had some more pork and more spiral potatoes (too good to leave without more!). We left the market and headed back on the skytrain and got back to the hotel. We went to 7/11 to get some bits to cook in the apartment for dinner. We also found a little pancake stall outside the 7/11. The lady made the most delicious pancakes on her little stall and put condensed milk and sugar on them. They were yummy and only 10Baht each (20p), bargain!


Today we decided to relax at the pool at the hotel for a few hours. It was nice to relax in the sun. Had a quick swim and then got ready to head out to Siam again on the skytrain. We headed into the Siam Paragon Mall, which is a huge mall. It had a whole food floor and we had a lovely dinner in an Asian cuisine restaurant with a selection of Chinese, Thai and Indian dishes. I had a lovely Massaman curry. We found a Krispy Kreme so got a donut, though too full to eat it! We found a Boots, which excited us and bought a few bits! We happened to be near to coldstone creamery so managed to squeeze in some ice cream before heading back to the hotel!


We'd decided to head out to some of the Bangkok temples today. We walked from the hotel to the river for the ferry pier. There were 2 piers- one appeared to be a rip off one, so we didn't go there! We headed to the correct pier for the river taxi. We bought a one day ticket for 150 Baht as thought we'd be taking a few journeys. We got on the boat and headed along the river and saw all the posh 5* hotels on the riverfront. We got off at the Maharaj stop for the Grand Palace. We walked to the palace and got accosted by a man from tourist information. He was telling us that we couldn't go into the Grand Palace wearing what we were wearing (we already knew this!), as you have to have your shoulders and knees covered. He was trying to convince us to take a tuk-tuk for 40B around the area, including a visit to a giant standing Buddah, that was "only open today" (yeah right!!). We said no thank you and then headed towards the Grand Palace. We got accosted by another person from tourist information telling us the same thing! She was more friendly and explained to us that it was very busy now and we'd find it easier to get in later on in the day and that the tuk tuk could take us around until it would be quieter. We decided to go in the tuk-tuk as it was only 40B between us (less than £1!) and we did want to go in one, plus it was an official tourist tuk-tuk. Off we went in our pink tuk-tuk! Was good fun. We got to the giant standing Buddah and had a look around, Chantelle released some birds for good luck! After the Buddah we were ferried into lots of shops, which we weren't interested in. After walking in and out of the first 2, at the next one the driver told us to take longer in the shops, that we weren't taking long enough! We tried to take a bit longer but after seeing yet another silk shop we were getting pretty bored! We were next taken to a temple which we had a quick look around and bought an ice lolly to kill some time for our driver! After the temple we were meant to be going back to the grand palace, (as we were told by the tourist information) but the driver said she wanted to take us to one more shop. As time was ticking, we said we wanted to go back to the Palace as we were told we were meant to, before it got too late. She started to get a bit annoyed now and said just one more shop. We told her we'd give her 50B to take us straight back to the Palace. She then started saying that gasoline costs her 200B...hang on a minute now she's just plain begging for money!! Well we were annoyed by now and she wasn't going to take us straight back so we said fine and went to our third silk shop! Walked in and out and finally on our way to the grand palace! She was considerably less friendly after that. We gave her the 40Baht it cost and left without a thank you as she had turned quite rude. Bloody tourist scammers! We finally got to the palace and got in and hired our beautiful skirts and shirts to cover up our flesh!! We got into the palace and had a look around. It certainly lives up to its name. It is very grand. Lots of lovely buildings, very pretty. We then headed back towards the boat and ended up just going straight back to the central pier where we had got on, we didn't have time for anywhere else, so didn't really make use of our boat tickets. We got the skytrain one stop back as we were so hot to walk! Had a quick dip in the pool and then bought some food from 7/11 to cook in the room.


We headed back towards the river today to see what we didn't have time for yesterday. We got the skytrain to the pier and jumped on a ferry. It was only 15Baht but wasn't as nice a boat as the one used for the day tickets. We got off at Tha Thien for Wat Arun. We had to get another boat to cross the river to the temple which cost a whopping 3Baht (6p!!). We had a look around the outside area of Wat Arun, it was all made with ceramic, was pretty. We didn't go inside the temple as we weren't wearing appropriate dress and didn't want to hire it again as it was just too hot- our hottest day yet! We admired it from outside and got a drink before heading back across the river to go to Wat Pho. Bought some pineapple from a street vendor for 20B, which was nice and refreshing. We paid 100B to go into Wat Pho. We had to wear fluorescent green gowns to go into the temple of the giant reclining Buddah to cover our shoulders and knees. The Buddah was pretty impressive, it was huge! I bought some coins to place in little pots as an offering to the Buddah, hopefully we are all now blessed! We had a look around the rest of the buildings in Wat Pho before heading back to the boat and heading to the Koah San road- the main tourist/ backpacker area in Bangkok. We didn't know which way to head but we did end up going in the right direction. We found Koah San road- it was full of white tourist and lots of bars and market stalls- not really our thing but we enjoyed looking round the market stalls for bargains. Chantelle had some Pad Thai from a street stall which was very popular, then we both bought some funky trousers from the market, proper travellers now! We headed back towards the boat but I fancied some noodles now so we stopped again at another busy stall so I could have some noodles. They were very tasty. Street food is probably the tastiest food in Thailand! We headed back to the boat via the river taxi and then on the skytrain to the hotel. We bought a pancake from the lady outside the 7/11, still yummy! Ready for our last sleep in Bangkok!


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