Superman, the royal palace and me (still without a bag)

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July 17th 2006
Published: July 20th 2006
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Me in the palaceMe in the palaceMe in the palace

Nice chap, strange looking though...... as for him he was quite tall
Well my first full day in Bangkok amazingly went without any problems. Not much sleep in the night mainly as my body clock was still way off and was suffering with a bit of jet lag also the hotel was really loud with people slamming doors at all hours not really what i wanted when i really was tired and desperately needed sleep after getting no sleep on the plane.

Anyway got to sleep around 4 and woke up about 3 hours later to some scousers getting in after a night out and shouting abuse at people and knocking on doors. Well i thought to myself no point in trying to sleep now so i watched TV and awaited Paul and Lauras knocking. We went for breakfast around 10ish and had a nice green thai curry for breakfast as to b honest the choice of breakfast was poor and what choice there was really looked awful. So off we set with food in our bellies to the royal palace which was very good, Paul and Laura was not as unthusaiastic as me as through there travels in China, Vietnam and Cambodia they had seen hundreds.

Anyway with it being
me n paul hanging with the localsme n paul hanging with the localsme n paul hanging with the locals

good times good people, not much to say for themselves though, dont think they spoke english.
extremely hot and humid we dissapeared off to MBK which is a very modern mall. After much deliberatingf we decided to go watch a film, after more deliberating we decided to watch Superman and after even more deliberating we decided to go for the cheap cinema instead of the luxury cinema with huge massaging leather chairs, mainly as it was 5 times more expensive but still cheaper than cinema in england.

People talk about how cheap it is in Thailand but you dont realise just how cheap it actually is. Food is on average about 1.50 for food and drink, but still cant quite gety my head around handing over a notwe which says 20 on it and it only being worth about 30p.

Anyway all in all a good day, superman was good royal palace was good and so were the coconut shakes.

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the palacethe palace
the palace

very swanky

this guy looks how i felt when they told me i wouldnt be having my luggage for a while

22nd July 2006

About MBK
Yes, MBK is a good shopping mall in Thailand. Esp, there are a lob of mobile phone there (Both new and used). I always go there. A lot of tourises go there. I just know the price is cheap for you but it is expensive for me.

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