And so it begins...

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November 20th 2012
Published: November 20th 2012
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Experiencing the tail end of a two day roll over hangover and 2 hours kip before the journey to the airport last night, it's safe to say I feel slightly disorientated. My retinas feel like they have been rolled in salt and I've just eaten a spicy aeroplane curry meal in what feels like the middle of the night. What time even is it?! I have no idea.

But, how excited I am to starting my travels! It's been a long time coming and I've sold far more ink and toner than I ever imagined I'd have to to get this sweet sweet plane ticket.

A new blog for new adventures. I'll use this space to report back about what I'm up to. Selfishly, I want to have it as a little memoir for myself but also to keep you guys in the loop and let you know I'm alive, well and living the dream.

I promise not to romanticize the truth like some tacky travel blogger, that is not I. There's nothing worse than reading embellished tales that go on for days about 'the cool waters of the clear sea lapped up upon my bare feet, as I gazed mindfully into the middle distance'...God no. Sounds like a Mills and Boon go on holiday novel. You can't get all Nigella on the scene when you're pissed wet through with sweat and haven't had a proper wash in an unsanitary amount of time.

If you're anything like me you'll want to read the good stuff, the blogs that let you know whats what. Like:

'That time I got the poos so bad I thought I'd turned inside out' or 'I ate dog - and liked it'

I'm armed with my camera, so I'll be sure to make this blog as visual as possible. Enough of me for now, I'm going to take advantage of the free Singha beer this flight has to offer and hope I get at least a bit of sleep before touching down.

Peace! x


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