Bangkok, Days 2 & 3

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October 6th 2012
Published: October 6th 2012
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During our last 2 days in Bangkok, we managed to travel perhaps on every mode of transportation available. Yesterday we took a bus to the train station, the train to through the country side to Samut Sakhon, a ferry directly across the river, a motorcyle taxi (definite highlight) to the "van stop" and a van to to Amphawa. Amphawa is a canalside village about 100 km from Bangkok. Once there, we enjoyed a floating market (people selling goods from their canoes), as well as markets and great seafood. I also enjoyed a fantastic 45 minute foot massage 😊

Today, we hit the shopping district--much different than the markets selling knock-off crocks and converse. Prada and Tommy Hilfiger were the real thing, with real prices. Although we didn't get our shop on, we did find a book store and purchased one more guide book (all the books are wrapped in plastic, so you have to very stealithily unwrap them to make sure they are in English without any of the plethora of security folks noticing). We were also looking for a mellow Thai cinema. Didn't happen, though all of the current American films were playing.

We also ate our first two meals in restaurants, rather than gorging on street food. Yummy food--without the grit and charisma of the streets. We are happy to be leaving the big city for Burma tomorrow. We wil be in Yangon for only a night before heading out to the coast and swimming in the Bay of Bengal. Internet access is unknown--this blog may not be updated for two weeks.

Back in Bangkok on Oct 22nd, and currently looking into train options to Laos. . .

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13th October 2012

Following you, vicariously
Thanks for sharing sights, tastes and the haps. Enjoying your experience from here.

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