Even the monks have mobiles

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July 30th 2010
Published: July 30th 2010
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Hello folks,
John tells me I have 12 mins internet connection so I'll do my best!\

We are all really well, journey was long but fine, our hotel here In Bangkok is lovely - thanks to Richard and Camilla for recommending it. We are just about to stay our 3rd night here. The pool is great and we have been all over the place in the last couple of days. Nearly lost Ruby on Day 1 in a shopping mall close to the hotel - we went up the escalator, she didn't - and we couldn;t find how to get down again! She was fine!
Had a fab time exploring the vast, vast city on the skytrain and the boats. Sky train is 10 years old so wasn't here last time John and I were here. Also visited our old haunt the Khao San Rd, mainly to find the Boots store there to buy malaria pills. That has changed too - hundreds of stalls everywhere and disgruntled tuk tuk drivers. Today we found ourselves in the middle of Chinatown and what a truly amazing experience that was. Every square mm had people selling all sorts of things. Our eyes were out on stalks and as for our noses - well the whole thing was a complete assualt on every sense.

Have just enjoyed a second supper down at the night food market which we love. 30 Baht for a plate of heaven - that's 60p, and all eaten at any communal table you like. There was even a Thai version of Ben Mc!!

Have also been to a temple. Weather not too humid or hot to cope with - think Venice was worse last summer.

Off on the bus to Trat tomorrow then to an island, will report back when we can.

Lots of love to everyone back home, hope Pippi ok with Grandma xx

jenn J C R xxxxxxx


30th July 2010

Bandit update
wonderful to hear your news. I am there with the sounds, sights, smells...taken back to my childhood in Singapore. I know you are out of reach and living for the moment and dont want you to have to think about dates but i just wondered if you were back before 29th August cos we have a couple of potential gigs on 29th and 30th. Any chance you could let me know?? love to all. Annabelle
31st July 2010

What a fascinating time you are having. Sounds wonderful. Pippi O.K. She spends the evenings sitting by me and wanting to be stroked .She does go in the garden now but so far, not far away. Hope you carry on having a great time .You must see a lot of difference from when you were there before. Lots of love to you all. Mum xxxx

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