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April 2nd 2006
Published: April 2nd 2006
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Hey everyone

Wow... long time eh? Well we got back to bangkok safe and sound, the flight was amazing. I love bangkok airways, they give you free food and internet while you're waitnig for the plane to board and then for an hour flight they give you a meal! We got breakfast and it was quite tasty! So we came back to khoa san road and settled in our DO guest house, seriously it is the best guesthouse we have stayed in this whole month! Well i mean charlies was pretty sweet but minus the beach it would have been not so great.

Anyway we have been blowing the rest of our money since we got back and today we went to the weekend market and good god it is not the coolest place ever let me tell you this much. It's a little bit like the calgary stampede in the middle of the day when the sun is at it's peak, only times 100!!! It's bloody insane like we probably only saw a quarter of it and we were done and ready to go home. It was sick, and they sell everything like i mean everything! Including animals, like i could have boughten a little puppy and brought him home with me... they sell dogs, cats, rabits, birds, turtles, everything! It's really rather cruel the way they treat some of those little baby animals though. I mean there's like 10 animals stuffed into one little cage sometimes. So anyway we ended up spending about 30 bucks canadian there, which is a lot but we also bought a lot so it's all good. At the exit there were these huge donuts like i mean the size of a dinner plate, so we bought one because we like our sweet stuff!

So we are back now and doing our last min. shopping here for the night and then tomorrow we are getting a tattoo and going to some muay thai boxing maybe and then the next day we come home already. It's really quite sad, neither of us really want to come home, we just think of going back to work when we think of going back home. But I am craving some good canadian food, or a home cooked meal would be nice **cough cough** mom... get on that, haha jks!

Anyway it's been an awesome trip and we were very lucky and didn't get sick *knock on wood* of course now that i said that we'll get sick, hopefully not though. We only have 1 more day left anyway. Hope you all had a good april fools day!

Thanks for all the comments and i guess now i can talk to you guys in person, that's sad, i'll miss this blog, haha jks no it'll be good to see you all again!



2nd April 2006

Safe trip home
Have a safe flight home K! Can't wait to see the pictures and hear about it more. Oh and can't wait to see the tattoo either!!! See you soon!
2nd April 2006

So your back on tuesday....hmmm how long does it take for paint to dry?? i should prolly start clearing people out of the house.... oh and dont worry once i put the new drywall up in your room it will be as good as new. Well i have alot of work to do, so i should get on that. Dont hurry home to fast!!!!

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