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May 15th 2010
Published: May 15th 2010
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Quick update in email form (sent to my Dad, but wanted to assure everyone that we're all ok re: Bangkok)!

Hey Dad,

We stayed on Khao San Road and, as you know, the protests aren't targeted towards tourists, but of course, it is a bit worrisome. I know most of the embassies have closed, which is pretty weird, considering we were at the Myanmar embassy the day everything broke out. We didn't see anything while we were there (we didn't know about the crackdown yet either) but when we got back, I was emailing you and looking at nytimes and we were like ohhhhhhhh crap. Sooo, we booked a ticket to Siem Reap. We're in Cambodia now and planning on looking at Angkor Wat over the next few days. The journey was a bit rough as we were getting blatantly scammed at every turn (long story but the buses from Bangkok to Siem Reap are known for doing it, so at least it didn't come as a surprise - forced to pay 300 baht more for visas to a random company, attempts to make us stay at a particular guesthouse, trying to get us to pay more for a cab from the border rather than take the bus because we'd have to wait 5 hours... when really, we waited about 10 minutes, etc.). However, we're here, we're safe, and we're very, very happy. Cambodia is such a breath of fresh air from the hectic, overly touristic areas of Southern Thailand! We're staying in a hostel called the Garden Village in these cute huts for $2 a night with free internet and it's run completely by a Cambodian family.

Anyway, no worries on Bangkok - won't be back there for a while, and we didn't see or hear anything while we were there (although we learned that two protesters died the night we were there - kinda scary). Cambodia is great and I'll keep you updated! Probably going to Phnom Penh next. Tiffany gets into Ho Chi Minh (Saigon) on June 7th, so we're planning on being there at that point.

Hope everyone is doing well!


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