Photographic update

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April 12th 2010
Published: April 12th 2010
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Hello everyone!
Well this is mainly a photographic update of our trip, having found a computer with a card reader. We've arrived in Bangkok, having booked into a place over the internet. Didn't turn out to be quite what we expected- we got lost in our 1 bedroom serviced apartment after the last couple of places we've been in. This is a 4 star-ish place where people open doors for you and carry your bags... Backpacking? We're only paying $40 a night for it, which is a bit more than we can afford long-term, but we're banking on saving some cash in Cambodia/Vietnam.
The good news is we're far enough out of the city, so there's no bullet holes in our hotel like the ones in the town centre.
Anyways, photos- likely to be a couple of pages of them so you'll have to click next somewhere to see the rest of them.

Additional photos below
Photos: 93, Displayed: 22


First jump into the water, SimilansFirst jump into the water, Similans
First jump into the water, Similans

Cat's jumping off the boat
Moray EelMoray Eel
Moray Eel

Cat and Phil and Moray.
The big treeThe big tree
The big tree

Turn off path here and walk into rainforest. Trust me.
Buddhist transportBuddhist transport
Buddhist transport

Scootering down the hill thanks to our Buddhist friends

12th April 2010

just caught up with these guys i'm very jealous!! looks like you are having a brill time! xxx
14th April 2010

Funny outfits
Why are you two in funny outfits just to play with the elephants??
14th April 2010

The good and bad
Good...that Hawks appear in the Pukhet truck transport Good...that you found Nemo finally. Good tiger high-5. Bad...that pic of Mom and I speak also for Denise. Bad...sneaking up on a tiger to scare him Bad...elephant overalls Bad...overdone flambee are still smiling!
4th May 2010
Panoramic paradise

oooohhh!!!this IS paradise!!! i love the swing - it looks soo romantic!!
4th May 2010
Beach panorama

Hey- is this the scenery of the movie "the beach" ???!!

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