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January 30th 2006
Published: March 22nd 2006
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Hi Everyone! I just wanted to post something so that you would get an email about the travel blog, this is just the beginning...more to come. - Felicia


22nd March 2006

Looking forward to your travel entries!
This is great. Thanks so much for sharing. it will be fun to keep up with your travels!!!
22nd March 2006

can't wait to read your updates. :)
22nd March 2006

Good to hear from you
Keep em coming.
22nd March 2006

What a great journal you having going here. Love the photographs, especially Tuk-Tuk. Looking forward to more details about your travels. Now I go off to revise poems (Thesis draft due in 9 days, ahhhhh). Enjoy, my friends : )
22nd March 2006

Hey babes, I've been wanting to hear your tales for a while...luv both of you. R PS: David sends hugs...
23rd March 2006

Hi Todd and Felicia
I'm glad you are enjoying Thailand. Can't wait to hear about your adventures. Love, Erika
23rd March 2006

Hey Guys, Thanks for including me in this e-mail re your blog. Love hearing about your travels and the pictures are great.
24th March 2006

Fabulous idea
Hi Felicia and Todd, This is a great idea - can't wait to hear of your adventures. I should consider starting one also. Take care, Liya
25th March 2006

i was getting all excited to read some grill chicken and papaya salad for me!!!
25th March 2006

livin tha dream
12th April 2006

Stay safe, soak it all up. Happy Happy. Hope you enjoyed Laos. Cheers
15th April 2006

Can't wait to hear from you
This is so great, everyone seems to be enjoying your travels right along with you. What a nice idea-you know I'm so savy when it comes too comps. DUH.....
15th April 2006

Happy Easter and the holiday they are celebrating Thialand. Hope all is well.
24th April 2006

I love your photos!
I'm enjoying your photos and stories so much! Don't delete me! I'm so happy to know what a Tuk tuk is... our favorite Thai place in our neighborhood is called tuk tuk... I don't think I have seen their delivering vehicle, but one never knows what you'll find in LA...
24th April 2006

From Jersey
Today is Happy Greek Orthodox Easter!! The pictures are beautiful. Thank You. Stay safe and healthy.
25th April 2006

Fe & Todd
Your trip looks amazing, you guys should write for Fordor's - !!

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