First Day

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Asia » Thailand » Central Thailand » Bangkok
February 2nd 2006
Published: March 22nd 2006
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Arrived Taipei, we had a 40 minute lay over. In that time we had to go back through security and rushed to the next plane for our connection to Bangkok. The funny thing was that when we landed in Taipei and were running to get through security we completely passed by the gate we were going to and had to go around the airport and got to the gate a completely different way. I always get a little frustrated when I’m hurried and have to go way out of the way to end up somewhere close to where I started! Arrived in Bangkok around 2 AM. Met by Marife, Todd’s family’s friend. By the time we got out to meet her it was almost 3AM. She told us that she had actually gone out to the airport the night before because it was unclear in our email to her which night we arrived! What a saint! Slept for a while. Marife and Michiel’s apartment is very nice—20th floor, 2 stories, balconies all around. Great view of the Chao Phraya river and Bangkok skyline. Had lunch with Marife. Lazy day. Went out to Silom at night.

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