Temples and Coupon Scams

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November 13th 2009
Published: November 22nd 2009
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Day 3 -

So Joel and I did the tour of all the buhdist temples in Bangkok today. The interesting thing is that all these temples exist in Ayutthaya (the old capital of Thailand) but were beheaded during battles with Burmese, so now the same statues and temples have been recreated all over Thailand.. The grand palace was definately the highlight.

We took all of the temples in by tuk - tuk (a motorcycle drawn carraige), the best way to travel in Thailand! However, we were unaware of the coupon scam. Basically the driver will take you around all day so long as you are prepared to make a couple of stops at tailor shops so thathe can get coupons for discounted gasoline. In the second tailor shop we actually sat down with 2 tailors as though we were interested in buying a suit.

Tailor: "So we are tailors, what can we do for you?"
Me: "Well, we don't actually want anything we were just told to come in here by our tuk-tuk driver"
Tailor (frustrated): You could buy a suit for $100?
Me: But I don't want a suit, and besides I am travelling and have no space for a suit in backpack?
Tailor: Okay well you could buy a shirt and roll it up?
Me: No we don't want to buy anything?
Tailor: So why are you here!
Me: Because we were told to come in here.

Two angry tailors then escorted us out of the shop. A very strange event, they must get that all day long so i don't know why it frustrates them so much...

The other strange encounter for the day was a Thai girl coming up and chatting to us, basically making stories up in order to try and sleep with you for money. She told me that her boyfriend was from Scotland yet should could not say where? All very deceitful, and a waste of time really, either you are interested or you aren't and no amount of false chat (which makes no sense) is going to change that.. she also said at one point - oh I could definately sleep with you - which completely gave the game away.

Song - "Underdog" by Kasabian

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