Tuk Tuk and Bum-Wipes

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March 5th 2006
Published: March 5th 2006
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Massage Parlour!Massage Parlour!Massage Parlour!

"Take me to the Madras"... holy cow, a massage parlour?
The pilot did a great job, he didn't crash once, pretty impressed with that!

Got to Bangkok at an unheard of hour, sommat like 5 am! The passport control all had a sniff at my passport cos I spilt erm... well, body oil over it - thankfully they didnt ask how, they were too intruiged with the smell!

Then... the taxi driver pulled up outside a building saying "Massage@ and pointed saying it was my hostel - no no no I said, idiot - I dont want a massage.... mmmmm, the hostel shares the same building! ha! Sleeze Street (not really, its great)

Shown to room - ah, top bunk.... will let you lot work that one out!

In the dorm there are 10 beds (5 bunks) - of those occupants three suffered terrible flatulence, and the others were snoring loud!

On to the Palace!

I spent the whole journey with my knickers showing and my skirt round my ears! Nope, I wasn't selling myself - just that the tuk-tuk driver went so fast I couldnt keep up with me skirt!

At the palace - cant say owt to do it justice, so I
Tut-tut Tuk-TukTut-tut Tuk-TukTut-tut Tuk-Tuk

Race of the Tuk-Tuks! These just have to be experienced! Rules of the Road (?) there are none for a tuk-tuk driver! If he wants to get somewhere he bloody well will get there!
wont !

The River Taxi - OMG - the boat gets sorta near the bit of rusting steel you wait on then you JUMP... and pray for your life... Once on the boat you gotta hold on - no health and safety over here! Getting off was more tricky - close your eyes, jump, and hope you dont hit owt wet or that means you missed the Jetty!

Gotta go - I got a lot of touring to do here, tuk-tuks to play on and temples to see

Have fun all


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The Royal Palace WarriorThe Royal Palace Warrior
The Royal Palace Warrior

I didn't know there was so much wealth or gold in the world; the Thais must have most of it in their Royal Palace! Amazing

5th March 2006

she aint with me people......... actually she is haha! enjoy mother! x
5th March 2006

Gosh I can remember doing all that - twice over - except I stayed somewhere REALLY posh .. a guesthouse somewhere in Banglampoo - just off the Koh San road .. which cost me all of £8 per night for a double room ... no aircon - just a fan .. and BOY was it HOT. The palace is amazing - although I had to go back again on the second trip there - cos no-one bothered to tell me that a lot of it was shut over the weekend. I loved the river bus though - and went on it as far as I could go - both ways - and all for about 8p each way ... bargain !
5th March 2006

The Food
Please.... comments about the food please

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