Bangkok, Thailand.

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Asia » Thailand » Central Thailand » Bangkok
March 17th 2009
Published: March 18th 2009
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Yesterday (Monday) we were in Bangkok. Actually, we docked in the port city of Laem Chagang, about an hour and a half drive from Bangkok. We were picked up by a private car and driver with an English speaking guide, ´Chat¡, who took us to Bangkok for a city tour including the king's Grand Palace and the spectacular

Temple of the Emerald Buddha. The highway to Bangkok and back was an 8 lane interstate just like we have in the US.

We then had a wonderful lunch of Thai food at a very nice restaurant. Thailand used to be called Siam and this is where the story for the movie ´Anna and the King of Siam¡ came from. The present king is 82 years old and I have included a billboard picture of him. Either he or his son, the prince, was born in America while his father was at the Harvard Medical School. Tiger Woods' mother was born in Thailand, so Tiger is part Thai. The other pictures are of a typical three wheel two person Bangkok taxi, a Pepsi Cola truck (the world over) and some signs which will illustrate why Granny Lynne and I didn't know much about where we were. The Thai written language is beyond our ability to comprehend!! Also enclosed is a picture of a miniature Buddha temple. They are found in the gardens of many Thai houses. The people put food in front of the miniature temples every day for the Buddha god to eat. The are much like the pictures or statues of Jesus and/or the Virgin Mary which we see in many Christian lands, including the USA. We are at sea today on our way to Singapore.

Love to all Martin/Doolittles and Sarah Merriwether, Granddaddy and Granny Lynne

Please click on the links below for the tracking map, the Queen Victoria Bridge webcam and the Queen Victoria tracking map.

Chuck and Lynne's Satellite Tracking Map

Webcam on the Bridge of the Queen Victoria

Queen Victoria GPS Tracking Map

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