Day 2 in Bangkok

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February 2nd 2009
Published: February 5th 2009
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This morning we actually made it out of bed in time for Breakfast. Adam was not impressed with the fried rice option though! (luckily there were some cornflakes and coco pops for westerners)

Today saw our next big adventure in the city. We decided to go to the Grand Palace and after much research that morning at our friendly local internet cafe, we decided to take the "exciting option" and take a comination of sky train and water ferry to get us to the Grand Palace.

We took the sky train to the river (with a change of lines at Siam station) and waited for a ferry. We were a little unsure at first of where to pay for our ticket as there are no signs, luckily i had read that it was cheap to go on the local orange flag ferries or we may have ended up buying a day ticket from the tourist boat which was 10x the price of a standard one way on the local boat.

We boarded the ferry and took it to no 9 stop, the Grand Palace. We made our way past the numerous touts trying to sell us tours to other places, and eventually got the grand palace (not far away, but many touts and street stalls to get past). I had a strappy top on so had to queue up to lend a shirt, as they have a no bare shoulders or legs rule. Its free to lend clothes, you just need to leave 100baht deposit per item lent.

The Grand Palace was amazing, such beautiful and intricate work, it must have taken an army of highly skilled workers to build it.

After the Grand Palace we decided to walk along the road that follows the river to catch the ferry back from No 8 stop instead. We passed lots of street vendors, but most were just selling second hand tat.

At No 8 Stop we had lunch in a small cafe. Adam ordered chicken noodles and i ordered chicked rice. My rice came out and was spot on and Adams came out and was definately not noodles. He saw the cook give the plate to the waitress and the waitress say something to the cook at which point a scoop of chicken was thrown on top. We suspect the cook had got the order wrong and wasnt going to rectify it. Anyway. Adam had a pick at it and ate the veges and chicken but the other bit looked like squids and didnt get eaten. We asked for the bill and a different waitress (i think the owner) came over and was very friendly, taking photos with our camera and joking around. The bill came to alot more than the menu prices. It was still cheap, but not what it should have been, (more like double) but there was no way i was going to argue with her.

We made it back onto the Ferry and then the sky Train and stopped off at Big C again to get a Thai Sim Card and adams phone unlocked.

That evening we decided to venture farther down the main sukhumvit road. I had heard it was a bit of a red light area but so far we had seen nothing like that. The only thing that stuck us was the number of old western blokes with young thai girlfriends, and the lack of younger backpackers.

We headed only 2 streets down and found a huge number of bars, loud music and lots of pretty thai women. Adam had a scary enounter with a Lady boy who tried to grab him as we walked by in search of somewhere to eat. I thought she was just a pretty thai lass, but to quote adam "shes got a bigger adams apple than me!"

We were quite late going out so many street food vendors had packed up, we headed to maccy d's for a quick bite to eat. After this we went across the street to where a converted VW camper van/bar was parked. I had a bucket of Crazy Bull (vodka red bull in an ice bucket) and adam had a beer.

After that we made our way back to the hotel via a couple more pubs.


5th February 2009

Adams Apple
It's not his Adams apple you need to worry about son!!!!

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