I'm a tourist get me out of here!!!

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November 30th 2008
Published: November 30th 2008
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I'm a tourist get me out of here!!!

Greetings! After a couple of days sitting it out in Ko San Road I started to feel as if I was part of the set from the film Ground Hog Day... every morning I wake up, rush to the internet room to check my emails. As soon as I step foot outside, "The Palace" I am hounded by Tuk Tuk drivers offering to take me anywhere I want for 5p if I go via 7 gem shops, the odd man pushing a ping pong show onto me (despite the fact that I am A) female and B) it is the morning!) and finally the odd stall worker shouting abuse at me for not looking at their produce... Ahhh it's a fun old world.
The internet gives me no joy and so I fight my way back through the mob to the Palace to watch BBC world news. I depress myself thoroughly by watching everything that has happened in Mumbai and sit and wait for hours for an update on the Bangkok situation... Nothing - as usual.
Lunch time approches and I pick out the cheapest dish on the menu - being fried rice or Pad Thai or if I am feeling adventurous we venture to the golden arches and sample something western.

  • Back to the internet room.
  • Then maybe a spot of shopping/ fighting in the stalls....
  • Then back to the Palace for a news update... - nothing new...
  • Then back to the internet room...
  • Oh and by this time my tummy rumbles and I head out for dinner... depending on whether I had Thai Food or Western food for lunch I opt for the opposite for dinner. Crazy times!
  • Depending on how depressed I am I might sink a few beers and then head back to the internet for another glimpse at my emails and the news.
  • Bed - where I lye there and contemplate bulldozing all the protestors myself and taking control of the airport myself...

Let me tell you this... Thai people could NEVER take over the world. We have been waiting for days for some action. Finally a small handful of Police were sent in and then they turned around and walked away. I'm thinking.... What was the point of that?!? I could have done better by myself!
We now have reports that the Thai Priminister has left the country - Well lucky for him!!!! Some people have all the luck.

On a brighter note we caved on the Tuk Tuk front and took a trip down the road to Siam Square where I found one of the biggest shopping centers I had ever seen. To my delight we found that the cinema showed the new James Bond film - in English! The following night we met up with Sophie and Downes. Wolfed down a Pizza Hut (I just had to have something Western OK???) and then went to see the film.
To my amazment just before the film started the whole room stood up and all started singing the national Anthem!!! Fortunately Downes had half mentioned this before hand and informed me that I could have gone to prison if I didn't join in... Although it was tempting to get some free accomodation I decided it would be best to stand up with everyone else.

After a very normal evening we returned to Ko San Road and went to bed. Preparing ourselves for exactly the same day tomorrow... minus the cinema.. 😞

I would like to question the statement that no news is good news... mark my words in Ko San Road it most certainly is not....!


1st December 2008

Good luck
Hi Sarah, Good luck getting out of there. My brother was trapped up in Chiang Mai but managed to get a flight to Singapore - I don't know how much it cost him tho. As I'm sure you know, BBC are reporting that some planes will be let out to fly tourists out - but I don't think they're taking passengers out of Bangkok. Hope you escape soon! Take care, Laura

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