On My Feet Again

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February 5th 2006
Published: January 5th 2006
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Well, sort of. On my feet enough to sit in our posh hotel room, watch HBO, check e-mail, blog, and have an in-room massage. Attempted to go shopping with CBD earlier this morning. Made it as far as the end of the hotel driveway; at which point I realized that I had not regained enough strength to go gallavanting. Sadness.

Oh well, at least our hotel (SukoThai) is an upgrade and change of setting from where I spent the past two days completely bed-ridden. These traveller's sickness bacterial infections really take a toll on the body. Also thankful for the fact that on this trip I did not have to spend my sick days inside a cave (as I had to do when we vacationed in Morocco two years ago).

Colin's been gone a few hours now. He must be buying me lots of presents! Wonder how he's dealing with the heat. Supposed to be 35 degrees C today (about 95 degrees F). Ugh. And this is the "cool" season!

Sorry I can't provide much insight into our travels over the past few days. Will have to leave that to the 5 who remained healthy.



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