Bangkok - New Years

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January 2nd 2007
Published: January 5th 2007
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We arrived in Bangkok on 31st Dec around the time of the bombings. We stayed in the same guesthouse as before on Khao San Road where there was a large police prescence with numerous sniffer dogs. We originally thought this was just for the new year celebrations until we saw the news. After dinner, we started drinking at our adopted local, the cheap cocktail bar stand on the street. It's an easy place to meet and talk to other people and we stayed there until 12.30am. I think that some of the planned celebrations had been cancelled due to the bombings but we still had a good night. We got a tuk tuk to take us to a late night bar and paid him 50 baht to do a wheelie from a racing start. With 4 of us squeezed in the back - it was quality!! After the bar (which included being evacuated due to a bomb scare) we got home around 6am. New years day was spent either in bed sleeping, eating or on the internet. It was nice having internet access again after Myanmar and also good to have a wide selection of food to choose from.

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