New Year New Continent

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December 31st 2006
Published: December 31st 2006
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Hi Folks!

Just thought we'd do a quick post here to say we landed safe and sound in Thailand. After a mammoth 2 days travelling, including bedding down on the suspicious smelling floor of the new Dubai airport terminal, we arrived tired but in good spirits.

Before we forget....FLY EMIRATES! Its the best airline ever with your pick of on-demand movies, tv shows and interactive games with your own little plasma screen tv - all in economy class!

Advertising over.

After arriving at Bangkok International (and Rik being run over in a drive by trolley incident) we survived the taxi wars and ended up at Khao San Road where our hotel is. Bear in mind its New Years Eve and so Bangkok is absolute chaos so we had to get out of the taxi on the other side of the block and walk, backpacks and all through some of the busiest streets since Harry last went out in a thong (love you mate hehe). By the way, we've seen a couple of the androgenous wonders already and don't worry I gave them your number mate.

Anyway, just thought we'd give you guys a shout before we go and celebrate the new year (7 hours before you do).

See you on the other side.

Vik and Rik


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