We Made it to Thailand!

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December 4th 2006
Published: December 4th 2006
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Wendy and Karen in the Bangkok AirportWendy and Karen in the Bangkok AirportWendy and Karen in the Bangkok Airport

Evidence for the spouses that Karen and Wendy are very much alive and well!
Hi all,
Just a quick note to let you know we've arrived safely and uneventfully in Thailand. We're staying at the airport hotel, basically for a quick nap before we get up in 7 hours to fly on to Hanoi, Vietnam. This is our one non-youth hostelly place to stay, so we're loving the toiletries, showers, and service after the long trip over here!

Today was the King of Thailand's birthday. Too bad we didn't arrive sooner - the hotel even had a celebration for him in front of the hotel with candles, etc. They definitely adore the monarchy here. There are huge billboards with his photos on them all around.

We'll update you from Vietnam once we truly hit the ground, but for now it's time for real showers and some sleep! My final typhoid vaccine capsule is safely stored in the refrigerator, so I will be happy to not have to do any more explaining about the leaky baggie with pharmaceuticals in it as we pass through security stops.

Karen may have me beat for Shutterbug of the Trip - she has some great shots, so I may upload some of them later.

The layover in Tokyo was fun as we admired the plastic food (models), tried to decode the things in the drugstore, and walked past all of the duty free luxury shops.


4th December 2006

I'm so glad you made it safely. I look forward to reading as your trip progresses. Stay safe! Love you.
5th December 2006

Typhoid !
Yoiks! I didn't bargain on foreign illnesses... boil everything! The pictures are lovely, although a tad dark.. We had just wondered where you were tonight...don't forget curfew! (; Much love, Grammie and Grampie
5th December 2006

great info
As Wendy's mom-in-law, I loved seeing the picture that she made it safe and sound and love the information about the project...stay safe and well and enjoy the adventure...love you Wendy!

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