Ayuthaya & Pattaya

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January 21st 2007
Published: February 28th 2007
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From Bangkok, my friend took me to visit Ayuthaya, the old capital of Thailand. We spent the day touring the city, visiting Wats, feeding turtles (a good omen in the buddhist belief) and looking around. Ayuthaya's slower life rythm was a nice break from Bangkok. The history of Thailand is so complex and interesting but I am not able to recall all the things and facts that Tana told me about.

We went to Pattaya for one day to meet with some friends of Mrs Noi, a friend of Tana. Driving through the country side was nice and arriving in Pattaya was a shock: so many buildings!!!! A mini Bangkok. Tana and I visited Mini Siam: Thailand's landmarks in one huge, beautiful garden - remember the Swiss Miniature in Ticino? Same concept, with Thai and Western landmarks. Very funny....

I liked to see the Thai landmarks, which Tana named "tourist stuff" (of course), and he liked to see the Western ones: London Bridge, Versailles... hhmm,... that was an interesting comparison.


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