Last Days in Sri Lanka :( !!

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Asia » Sri Lanka
December 3rd 2005
Published: December 3rd 2005
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Last Sunset on the Subcontinent
So we had made our way back to the Pink House. We DID have Cothu Rothi, I DID buy clothes (I ended up buying 5 shirts - and giving away most of my old ones to charity - all for 240 rupees...about 1.5 pounds!). The next day after we had arrived in Kandy, Ival received a telephone call from the rafting people back in Kilingatele. They had found his camera! Turns out a young 17 year old Sri Lankan boy had stolen it from the back of a rickshaw - and while being questioned by the police, his friend ratted him out!
We were all - understandably - extremely pleased, but it turned out that the only way of getting the camera was to do the entire 3 hour bus ride back to the rafting center! So Ival left at 11:00 on Friday, and didn't return for another 10 hours! Turns out there had been a trial, and since the issue hadn't been closed yet, the court insisted on keeping the camera until the next day. The rafting people had then brought Ival back to Kandy with their rickshaw in order to pick up his belongings - though he decided

Palace across the lake
to stay at the Pink House for the night and only return to pick up his camera the next day (taking Malki along, since they were catching the same flight to Trivandrum that night).
On the same day, Malki and I walked around the different markets in Kandy; tasting fruits, smelling spices, and being shouted at from left, right, and center! I bought some souvenirs and clothes, and send a small package home (which ended up costing more than it's contents :o ) .
The next morning I said bye to Ival and Malki, and after packing up my bag and buying some mangoes as a snack, I jumped on a bus to Negombo - which is a beach just above Colombo, which turned out to be a closer option for accomodation before my flight the next morning! On the bus I met an American man who was starting a PhD in Buddhist studies. He had been in India and Sri Lanka collecting information as well as visiting different buddhist monks before returning to Bangkok - where his University is located.
He was very interested in teaching me about a specific type of meditation, and seemed quite
Kandy Kandy Kandy

Spices at the market
disappointed by my ignorance in the subject. He also was very passionate about an 'alkaline diet' which he had been told about by a friend. He ended up showing me his book on the subject - which looked like someones own ideas rather than a scientific review on the subject. I wasn't too impressed.
I was glad I decided to go to Negombo, the beach was a nice place to spend my last evening in Sri Lanka - with some delicious rice&curry along with a beautiful sunset! The next morning, my flight from Colombo Airport left at 8 - and I had to say goodbye to the Subcontinent, which had given me so many unforgettable memories in the past two months (aww....).
( written in the hussle and bussle of Bangkok Airport - with the aid of some overly sweet banana chips and coke!)

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Kandy Kandy

FRUITS at the market

Kandian Dancers


On the Flight

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