Sri Lanka is very wet...

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Asia » Sri Lanka
April 12th 2007
Published: April 12th 2007
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Hi all

Apparently the monsoon begins next month, so I don't know what we're in know. Not a day passes without at least an hour of torrential downpour and a thunderstorm. I said last time that the green side of this country was stunning, and now I know why. We even went for a walk inland yesterday, and it ended up being a walk into a rainforest with roads and paths. It is stunning. We weren't caught in a downpour, in fact we have avoided it at all so far. That's definetely for the best, as we have no waterproofs and in the humidity clothes take a long time to dry. I washed a load last week and they all had a lovely damp smell as I put them back on, but in India it'll be so unbelievably hot that won't be a problem again. We haven't had the luxury of spending all morning on a sunny beach yet, it's normally cloudy and then it can start to rain.

You occasionally get light rain, but generally it's no nonsense torrential downpours you see, the sort of thing that you think can only be a passing shower and will last at least 20 minutes. Combined with Colin's trips to Colombo to sort out his visa (should be finished when he gets back this evening), we haven't got out much yet, we're planing to get around more next week, maybe with a day trip to Galle, or as Colin is a water skiing instructor we may go up to Bentota and be taught how to ski for a day. Apparently rain isn't a problem, he's used to using Scottich locks! Anyway, me + Colin had to go up to Colombo on Sunday and got back on Monday evening, Colin Nicole get back from one last trip tonight (we wouldn't want to send him to that city alone) then it will be easier to do these sorts of things.

Not much else to say, apart from the French guy down the beach also does amazing barbecued sausages and chicken. Oh, and I have been waiting to take photos of cloudless blue sky and clear blue waters and palm trees below like I saw the morning I arrived, that turned out to be the only chance I've had so far, so I haven't wanted to take any photos of grey out here so far, any Hamborgs will know the feeling, it's our sort of holiday through and through but we're still having fun. If with a few days left I still haven't have the chance I'll just give in because I need something to remember our time here by.

Keep well.



12th April 2007

Oh dear
Sounds like the weather we get on all our family holidays, you're right! xx

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