Bonghwa school festival :)

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November 5th 2007
Published: November 5th 2007
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Hey! sorry for the close proximity of these two but hey once i get on a role its a shame to stop!! haha!!
this is just a few pics from my school fesitval, they have one once a year to exhibit the students work 😊
they also got to do their english skit contest play which i taught them hehhee!! they came first in our province and 7th out of 28 across the country so was quite impressed!! hehe!!
well anyways! here ya go!

lots love! cer xxxxx

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Photos: 23, Displayed: 22


5th November 2007

Well, now I see what you mean - they are fantastic poem pictures. i can't see mine being quite that standard somehow!!! I love the boxes too - have you tried any of those - that could be YOUR project ha ha!!! the metalwork is mighty impressive isn't it - guess we don't see stuff at our high schools to compare. Can see why you love the school!!! xxx
5th November 2007

Seoul seems to have a lot of Soul
Bet it was fantastic to be in the big city and all those wonderful colours. Once again some great photos Seoul looks big and really great to see such different contrasts in the buildings some modern and then the temples. I notice you like to take photos of food as well as eating it,is that a plate of chips if so I know someone who would love that she would eat the lot and still manage some more and who is that you say (chrissie) but dont say I told you. What about the book store looks very impresive. This happy sale does that mean there always smiling (:- and you can only shop with a smile on your face but you were ok to go in as if ther were a lot of bargins to be had
5th November 2007

Im so stupid
Had,nt finished writing but hit the wrong button/Key and wow it went and I could,nt do a thing about it so had to let you know about my stupidity. Anyway what I think I was saying if there was bargins to be had then that makes us all happy. Think before I make any more mistakes I'll end while I'm ahead Oh buy the way school photos looks grat as well Keep happy Ant Ang (:-
5th November 2007

show time
hi ceri so you managed to teach them a play well and your group won well how bad were the others hhheeee well done must run in da family wish i could do the art work on those boxes look brill oh why are the students sat outside or have i missed somthing ??
6th November 2007

students sat on chairs!
they were playing a big quiz game called golden bell, where they are asked general knowledge questions, they have write their answers on the sheets and hold them over their head!! if they right they continue in game, if theyre wrong they are eliminated :)

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