chuseok (thanks giving) holiday time!

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September 28th 2007
Published: September 28th 2007
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Hey! well i was please to have the thanks giving holiday last week and the much needed restbite of english conversation!! thinks theres only so much gobbledy goob you can take before you brain even as small as mine starts to explode!!! my friend came up to stay from a neighbouring province, it took him 2 1/2 hours on train so not too bad! He arrived saturday morning so we just chilled out for the day, before heading back to the farmers market to pick up supplies for the holidays, managed to find some fish and veg, and with the help of my on call chef!! thanks mr whale! (figure you earn the title of mr. for being a fairly good chef whale dad!!!) i managed to gut and bon the fish after removing those galring eyes!! still dont what type it is but hey it tasted good!!
On sunday we headed to meet some more native teachers at the mountain near my house Soebaeksa, we climbed up the mountain (yes a long long way!! grandad you would have been proud of me!! knee and all!!) took us about 3 1/2 hours solid up hill and steps but we made it!! and i think it was far harder coming down!! hence my huuuuuge stick!!! (i have since purchased a walking pole for said occasions!!)
the views on the way up were stunning as we poked above the cloud but then as lucky as we could be as we hit the top we hit yep more cloud! so nice view of ummmmm grey!!!
SO off we headed for our korean picnic of gimbuk (cabbage rolls rice and veg) traditional walking lunch so were told!!
We went down and to the folk village for supper, before off to the traditional tea house, had various teas but most popular green tea, chinese medicine tea and date tea, have say date tea was good but the others...hmmmm interesting!!!

On monday we had planned for a visit to the temple however!! the pain of our liccle legs was not going to allow for the steps!!! cos there are hundreds at eeevvvvery temple!! hahaa!! yeye i know im a big wimp!!! but hey plenty time and have to say the shops of yeongju were calling since i have none in my town!!! hahaa!!

went for awander, sat and had dok poki for lunch in a park, which is rice make into a dough cooked in sausage shape, pork slithers in a chilli sauce with korean dumplings - parcels filled with vegetables and meat.
was very good and enough to feed us both for 2 quid so was happy!!!

met up with the others for dinner and to a korean bbq! have a big table and bbq in the centre, they bring in the hot coals and cooking plate and then you cook the pork, garlic, onion, kimchi (spiced cabbage) as you require and wrap them in leaves with rice, vegetables, sauces, etc as you like! was gorgeous ! and for 4 of us we had approx 40 side dishes!! apparently they will not serve any dish as ordered because they feel it looks naked on the table!! haha!! so get used to loads of side dishes!
really good meal and had date tea for after. Worked out for drinks and meal at 6 pound a head - it seems to be soooo much cheaper here to eat out than to buy food!! its very strange!!

so that was my chuseok holiday! vegged out the last day with obligitory movies and card games!! just because we could speak english to someone else.....finally!!! haha!

well hope your all well!! lots love cer xxxxxxxxxxx

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Photos: 36, Displayed: 24


28th September 2007

Trust you to find chocolate!!!
Well looks like quite a climb - bet your knee was screaming on the way down. Shame about the view from the top but it looks lovely. Your mode of travel reminds me of times in France in days gone by!!!! Looking forward to seeing some of this!!! xxx
29th September 2007

tea house
hi ceri love the pic's pity bout view perhaps take mum up at christmas but may be snow by then so could be intresting all that up hill !!.The tea house looks brill think i would just stay and wait for you to return,bet your friends were talked to death after all the korean's you been in conversation with,by end of day exspect you were talking gobbledy goob as well !!!!!!luv da whale x x x
30th September 2007

How's the choc
Well did the Choc taste good!!!!! Loved the photos the walk up into the mountains looked great but the steps looked hard. Seen lots off sumits like the one in your photos but we never had a picnic like ypu had. Never mind the cloud though it will give you the excuse to get up there again to see what you missed!!! Did the Nuns manage to get to the top! but there again they had Himself on there side gota have been some help surely. Anyway whats this Ice Cream and Choc was that all on the same day!! Well lots of love and keep happy(:-
2nd October 2007

looks nice from the bottom!!
Hey looks like you had a great time, the dok poki sound very nice, you will av to remember the recipe!!. The steps up looked like hard work the sort that look nice from the bottom but not too good halfway up! but you made it well done! its a wonder you had enough breath to talk but i bet you managed!!! lots luv and hugs XX

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