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April 19th 2008
Published: April 24th 2008
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Downtown DaeguDowntown DaeguDowntown Daegu

Me nate ally steve harol and some korean guy in downtown daegu, south korea on our first night in town.
Well All,

We officially made it to South Korea!! It was a 2 hr ride or so from Detroit to Atlanta. Then I met up with Nate in ATL Airport for the next leg of our flight. We ate a quick lunch at Chilis and then hauled ass to the gate and damn near missed our flight.(were trying to rectify an issue with return flight ticket...another long story ill keep to myself for the moment)We boarded on our Delta 777-aka big ass plane. From there it was a 14-15 hr plane ride. I took a Tylenol PM thinking it would knock me out. For nate it did, but me? No! So i watched about 5 movies lol. Some really good movies actually. Enchanted, Bee Movie, Juno, and i cant remember off hand the others. We got a really nice lunch and dinner aboard the plane. It was a packed flight too which sucked somewhat cause everyone was trying to get comfortable and were all walking around and waiting in line for the restroom. And there were people on board from everywhere. young to old. black to white and brown, businessmen, military men. all sorts of people. From there we finally got to Seoul at about 4pm in the afternoon- (korea is 13 hrs ahead of the US) From there we made our way through immigration then through customs then to baggage. I claimed Molly- poor girl had been through a lot but she survived!. They left 2 of our bags in Atl- 😞 BOO! They were supposed to deliver them on monday but we were on our way to bangkok by then.so not quite sure where they are.
So lets see..

First thought on Seoul....WOW! lots of f*n people and tall ass buildings-no space is left unused- old school with new school- girls dress to impress thats for sure. ill have to break out my knee socks and heels to fit in here.lol

From the airport-(since we had a cat we couldnt take a bus) we took a 30 + min cab ride to Seoul Yuk (Seoul Station) to catch a one way route to Daegu on the KTX- Korean Train Xpress. Thank god for the KTX- its only aboutt an hour or so ride compared to a 4 hr busride to Daegu. I think everyone was allergic to molly lol lol people were coughing and sneezing. SOme were disgusted by her too. (koreans think cats are dirty animals-most dont have as pets- only dogs).

So we arrived at the Dong Daegu Yuk (Dong Daegu Station) where we met up with my friend Vinny. Thank god! No more of me having to carry her heavy ass cage anymore. From there we hailed a cab to my apt in Daegu.

Daegu is a pretty city- Very mountainous. Lot of buildings and people like Seoul, just slightly smaller. My apt is pretty nice. Its a one bedroom on the 8th floor. No AC though which blows ass cause korea has 4 seasons-like the northern US and it gets extremely hot and cold. Right now though its in the mid 60s close to 70s and at night it gets a little more chilly.

For our first night we went to dinner with Vin and his 2 friends ally and steve. Ally is from Maine and Steve is from Newfoundland- (and is sometimes hard to understand.) We went and ate some Korean food and got started on the SOJU. OoooWeeee that stuff is potent. From there we went back home and showered and changed then went to Downtown Daegu- Its a lot more happening then where i live at, as far as clubs and shopping. Vin was a lame ass and stayed home.

Downtown Daegu was a blast. We just bar hopped all night. Drank lots of beer and soju and took a 3 wiseman shot and then i was done for. They also have these little bags of things that look and taste like french fries but they are puffed with air. And they are free- I think we killed 3 bags at the one foreigner bar. i have pics of that. too funny. That is one comforting thing I guess. There are other foreigners there whether just living, teaching, or from a lilitary base- so they have lots of foreigner bars. The people are mostly westerners there. As far as music though. almost ALL clubs/bars play our well known American music. Anyway at the end of the night we were hungry. We stopped at an ihop like place called MooWoo I believe- although no eggs benedict or pancakes 😞 oh well. from there we headed to a cab to take us home. Once there, nate and i got somewhat lost finding my apt. We hadnt seen it in the daylight yet so everything looked different and its now 7am and were also still kinda drunk. Eventually we made it home. So we crashed for the night or morning for that matter. I was up again by 1030 am where we headed to Dunkin Doughnuts down the street for some coffee and doughtnuts...Yummmm! Onto another day........


18th October 2009

Hi there, Im looking into teaching abroad, originally I had chosen to stay within Seoul and the surrounding area and recently have been convinced that Daegu would also be a place to consider. Can you tell me a bit about the city, is it safe to walk at night, things to do, etc.? Thanks
30th October 2009

i miss it there
i was in daegu south korea for six months with a military family and it was fun especially going shoping i got a dog from there a yorkie and i just had fun on the ktx did you get to taste the candy it is good i still have won with me right now well bye call me when u goin back

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