Exploring Gimhae: Traditional Korean village

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Asia » South Korea » Busan
January 1st 2007
Published: January 7th 2007
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Well not much to say here except that it looks a lot different than A traditional English village and what Korean villages look like looks like today.
It was free to get in and it has not been finished yet - hence the bottles of Soju left by the workman ( not mine honest )- oh and you can stay there - one of the buildings is a hotel !

Additional photos below
Photos: 7, Displayed: 7


Traditional Korean housesTraditional Korean houses
Traditional Korean houses

Andy striking a pose
A spiritual momentA spiritual moment
A spiritual moment

Andy is taking his yoga classes very seriously and bust's a couple of moves where ever he can!
Playing a traditional Korean gamePlaying a traditional Korean game
Playing a traditional Korean game

Andy started to get very competitive. He managed to get one in!
Playing a traditional Korean gamePlaying a traditional Korean game
Playing a traditional Korean game

Emma managed to get one in too!

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