OB Camp...bring a tent it could be a long night

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Asia » South Korea » Busan
December 8th 2006
Published: January 7th 2007
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Busiest bar in town baby !
Last night Andy and I went to the neighbouring town, Oe Dong, to have a night out in bar OB Camp ..
We started the night off in the Orange Cafe, a cafe which sells cheap but good food and just so happens to be orange. We dont know the Korean name! We had mandu, (our staple diet which is making my waistline expand!) ramyen noodles in a spicy red broth and a curry to share.

When Koreans eat they order lots of small dishes as they believe if you order just the one dish then it will be lonely!

This is a great excuse for us to order loads of food and pig out, 'oh we must order more or the 20 pieces of steak will be ever so lonely!'. All the food that we ordered came with side dishes which consisted of Kimchi, pickles, rice, and soup and cost £3.75 for the pair of us to eat! I really dont miss ordering 3 pieces of garlic bread in a restaurant for that amount back home.

After scoffing we head across to OB camp which is literally across the road from the orange cafe. Av
more beermore beermore beer

maekchu flows
ery popular haunt aroung Gimhae most weekends you will see around 20 foreign faces from all parts of the world . They congregate to share stories of their week teaching and future plans
in and after Korea.

Situated on the 2nd floor of a 5 story building ands quite a cosy set up indeed. Recently refurbished and founded entirely by The western teachers excessive drinking habits, people sit in armchair style booths and you can easily get 20 people seated comfortably round the table.

Here you can play online poker on your wireless Laptop and drink the weekend away if you wish on cheap pitchers of OB Korean Beer, munch dried squid, Tofu slabs
- oh and counterfeit Hula Hoops are ALWAYS complimentary freebies

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Chris & Jose poker kingsChris & Jose poker kings
Chris & Jose poker kings

I raise you 20 !

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