Rugby sevens and hair salons :-D

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Asia » Singapore
April 9th 2006
Published: April 25th 2006
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So Singapore....arrived 5am after another terrible night on the bus, only upside was i met a lady from KL who was quite interesting..talked about a few politics and cities and stuff, she was cool, and i guess i got a couple of hours sleep so not completely hopeless.. immigration was pretty intimidating in singapore, lots of questions, few smiles, they seem to suspect every single person of trying to bring tonnes of explosives, weapons, drugs, and (probably most drastically for these weird immigration people) chewing gum - yes its illegal! anyway got through despite the copious amounts of all these that i was so obviously carrying, and got dropped in the city somewhere on a sidewalk without a map or any idea of where a hostel was... eventually managed to get a cab and through some miracle i'd remembered the address of a singapore hostel from a business card we'd seen in malaysia.. so tere we headed, unsure of whether the place would still be there but luckily we were let in to discover it was really nice, although very expensive in comparison with anywhere else we'd stayed! (7 quid a night!)

Having caught up with sleep once again, we headed out into the city to discover a really British feel to a lot of the streets and buildings! the river was picturesque with skyscrapers lining it to one side and a park to the other, where the parliament can be seen.. we ventured around for a couple of hours, getting our bearings, and it was apparent we were in a classy area, around the c.b.d.. we also looked into doing some activities in singapore such as going to sentosa island but everything seemed so expensive that we were reluctant to part with the money..

so the next day, having woken up late again, and missed our opportunity to go see the rugby sevens finals which was really disappointing cos i'd have loved to have seen it, will went to get his hair cut, wilst si decided to get his dyed! was hilarious seeing them bot as they walked into the pub (where by the way, i was watching tottenham beat man city!) We also spent a huge amount of time using the free internet in the hostel (hours at a time despite the 20mins only sign!), and in the evenings ventured down to the waterfront bars, where we saw all the sevens teams walk past us, and managed to watch 3 football matces in a row! going out was too expensive so we avoided that, but unfortunatly i was dragged into macdonalds too many times to remember - was honestly getting annoying, ended up just buying sandwiches ten taking them in there!

Soon enough it was time for our flight to Cairns, so we headed to the airport to explore the infamous Changi airport - searching for free internet and playstations! saw te fijian rugby team once more in, guess where?!, macdonalds :-( the flight was nice enough apart from the arrival time but more of that from cairns!

miss you all, lots of love and a big happy birthday to dad for the 13th, and to als for the 24th!!!!!!!! have an awesome time, speak soon, love chris xxx


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